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All right, I'm currently living in a dorm with a network requiring 802.1X authentication for access. What I'm trying to do is to connect my ancient linksys WRT54GR (v 1.1) router to a "scotch taped" network via a network bridge or something similar so that I can access the internet with my phone, too. I'm not very knowledgeable in the field of networking so I vended to you to see weather this SH*T is actually possible to pull of or am I just daydreaming??

Thanks in advance 9_9

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Not really possible unfortunately, the short version is that 802.1x will block all devices which haven't been authenticated with the RADIUS server from connecting to the network.

Current Network Layout:

Current Build Log/PC:

Prior Build Log/PC:

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What about doing it through my PC that is connected, i.e. making a virtual network interface/switch and bridging that to a real one connected to the router?? I'm just tapping in the dark now, but can then someone at least explain to me how my VM-s still connect to the internet (I've set the network settings in VirtualBox to bridge adapter). And could someone give me advice on where I could learn more about networking??

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12 minutes ago, kapital_ said:

What about doing it through my PC that is connected, i.e. making a virtual network interface/switch and bridging that to a real one connected to the router?? I'm just tapping in the dark now, but can then someone at least explain to me how my VM-s still connect to the internet (I've set the network settings in VirtualBox to bridge adapter). And could someone give me advice on where I could learn more about networking??

If you have two interface, yes you could.

As long as one of them is able to connect with out this problem you were having with authentication.

Then the other interface on the computer connects to the router. And then to your other devices.


What are you looking for?











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