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Win 10 - Default Window Size


So I have a 3440 monitor and when web surfing I like to just have it centered taking up about 2/3 of the horizontal space.  When I close it Win10 will remember this and open it the same as it was closed.  The problem I run into is when I snap to the right or left for multitasking and it remembers that size and then I have to resize it and remax top to bottom (winkey+shift+up).  I close windows a lot so it's getting old resizing constantly.  Is there anyway that I can set the default size Chrome opens as to the 2/3 width, maximized top to bottom instead of it defaulting to the last previous size it was opened at?  I realize this is most likely a Windows setting and not a Chrome setting.  The only thing I've come across was in previous Windows editions I guess you could hold CTRL down and click close and that would set the window size as the default state.  That didn't do the trick in Win10.

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