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Help Me My New Build Will Not Boot


First off thank you for being like me.....sensible, smart, and educated. I have built several computers and I know my customers needs these turdburglers are just trolls who are inexperienced with multiple pieces of hardware. 


I checked all the cables and it works now. But in the process of just being straight pissed I convinced my friend that he should buy my 4670k(and of course I got him a better MOBO at a discount.) and I went and bought a 4790k at microcenter. woot woot! 


The computer runs great all games at 1080p at 60FPS+ like I knew they would be and there is no complications


Thank you for all the people that gave helpful advice I look to this forum for such guidance....and for those who are trolls well trolls keep on trolling and I will keep making fun of you. :-)

You're welcome, I try to be smart, it doesn't always work but at least I try nonetheless :D

I know it shouldn't bother me that trolls have slimed their way onto LTT Forums, but it's frustrating when people genuinely need help and we've got total morons giving the forums a bad name, sure have some fun, but at least try to be helpful at the same time.

I'm glad you fixed it, it's a shame you couldn't do it before he had to buy your old CPU, but at least it got you an upgrade and at least he'll have a CPU that will remain relevant for longer, and he still has an upgrade path if he decides he needs more performance :)

Just as I thought as well, a FX8320 isn't amazing, but it's still good enough for purely gaming rigs.

You're welcome, and I hope that the reason for all the trolls recently is because it's summer and they've come out of hibernation and are looking to increase their high score on the stupid index, hopefully they'll bugger off back to their cesspits of stupid soon, I don't know how much more my IQ can take before I descend into madness and turn into a blithering idiot like them :D

CPU: Core i5 2500K @ 4.5GHz | MB: Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3P | RAM: 16GB Kingston HyperX @ 1866MHz | GPU: XFX DD R9 390 | Case: Fractal Design Define S | Storage: 500GB Samsung 850 EVO + WD Caviar Blue 500GB | PSU: Corsair RM650x | Soundcard: Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Titanium
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