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Monitor blanks with a noise from inside PC.


Hey guys


A while back I posted a thread asking if I should RMA my monitor becuase it was cutting out on me. Since I posted that someone asked me if it happens in games, which I then realised it didn't, and it only happened on firefox. They told me to turn off hardware acceleration and to my amazement it stopped doing it.


Fast forward a bit and it's doing it again, only this time I get a small "doink" noise from inside the PC when it blanks out. Not every time it does it though. The monitor also looks like this for a split second, again, not every time it does it. 




(Excuse the bad paint drawing)


It then goes blank for two seconds and comes back on.


Could this indicate a problem with my PC rather than my monitor? Possibly PSU/graphics card based?


In my events viewer I have a load of errors for kernel power, but none under critical.





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To me this sounds like the graphic card is failing. Do it get very hot? If you have a spare graphic card or one integrated, try switching to that or If you have an other computer try your monitor on that and see if you still get this problem. If you have a spare monitor you can use that with your PC to check the card. Also upgrade your graphic card drivers to the latest.

You can try stress your graphic card with Furmark if you wanna try and replicate this error. If it's related to the grahic card a stress test is likely to relive it. And if you have over clocked, reset all to factory settings.

PS. When or if this happens again, try to press prtsc (print screen) as fast as you can and paste that image in paint. If the image looks strange then it's the grahic card, else it's the monitor.

I'm still running on my core i7-920

@Motherboard: GA-EX58-UD3R @GPU: GTX 560 @Memory: 16GB1600C9 @Storage: X25-M 80GB & 330 120GB * Caviar Green 2TB @Screen: Acer H223HQ

@Case: Antec P180B -EU * Jou Jye 480AUBA * 2x NF-S12A FLX @Peripherals: CM Storm QuickFire TK Blue - Rearranged Svorak * MX518 @Sound: Beresford TC-7520 DAC * ATH-M40 fs

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