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Cooling solution help

Hi, to start off, I would like to say that I'm a new member of the LTT community and a new member of the PC gaming community and don't know too much (yet) about PC cooling. I currently have a Lenovo K330 that I bought a while ago (Pics of the case: https://www.google.com/search?q=lenovo+k330&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1710&bih=1318&tbm=isch&imgil=LphCeIEIXYKxaM%253A%253Bc4W-LoZpkzzZ_M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.pcworld.com%25252Fproduct%25252F940950%25252Fideacentre-k330-77274hu-desktop-computer-core-i7-i7-2600-3-4ghz-tower-black.html&source=iu&fir=LphCeIEIXYKxaM%253A%252Cc4W-LoZpkzzZ_M%252C_&usg=__j4A3wKaAxGQ_Qd1pvJiTrSaLo2Y%3D&sa=X&ei=RpkLVM3kDIP5yQSQxIL4AQ&ved=0CEYQ9QEwBg#safe=off&tbm=isch&q=lenovo+k330&imgdii=_). I upgraded the power supply and bought a reference r9 290 from a friend for about $200. My CPU is a i7-2600K with a stock cooler. The case that the computer is in has only one fan slot. I was wondering if there would be any way for me to liquid cool the video card while still being able to run the computer with only one fan slot. I was looking at the NZXT G10 with a corsair H50, but if I install that, my case would have no fans. Would it be safe to run my computer in this configuration? There are vents on the bottom front and side, as pictured in the link. Thanks for any help!

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First things first, I'm not sure I'd risk running that included power supply. According to this the computer could have either a 280W or 450W PSU. I don't know which one you have, but the 280W would not be enough and the 450W may be able to do it but I doubt it's a good quality power supply so you'd be pushing it and risk damaging your whole system. I don't know if you can even change out that PSU for a standard ATX one but if you can I'd recommend going for a 600W+ (higher than you need but it's always good to have some headroom) Bronze or higher rated PSU from a reputable brand such as Corsair, EVGA, Be Quiet!, Fractal Design, Silverstone and probably a few others I'm forgetting.


Here are some ideas:







Now given that you'll probably need to change your PSU, you'd also probably need (or at least want) to change your case, which I suppose solves your problem.


Back to your cooling issue, if we assume that your PSU is alright (which I doubt), then you'd probably be alright seeing as the H50 would still draw air out through the back but I wouldn't really recommend it. Another problem is that I'm not sure of the size of the fan on the back of the case - it looks a little smaller than 120mm to me in the pictures, but you'd need a 120mm fan for the H50.


Long story short, you're probably better off getting a better PSU and case anyway.

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Thanks for the help! Ah, I forgot to mention that I upgraded the psu to a CX600 (I don't need too much headroom as I don't plan to overclock). I was actually looking at the NZXT H440 (it's quite a beautiful case, I must say), but I can't afford it at the moment. I attached a photo that I took of my fan, apologizes for the camera angle; it's hard to take a photo with a cell phone one-handed. It looks like a 92 mm. Do you know if any liquid coolers come in that size? If not, I'll likely upgrade me whole case to the H440 when I get the chance to. Also, when buying a liquid cooler, does a dual fan radiator make that much of a difference over a single fan?


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I actually decided to ditch the notion of water cooling as of now and just wait until I can buy a new case like you recommended.


For the time being though, would it make sense to upgrade the stock fan that I have in my case? Would there be a considerable difference in the air flow and card temps? I've heard some pretty horrid things about the reference cooler of the r9 290 and am worried that I'll face some throttling given the limited airflow of my case. I was looking at   http://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NF-B9-Bevelled-Blade-Bearing/dp/B0014I9K30   and   http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009NQM7V2/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_2?pf_rd_p=1535523722&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0014I9K30&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1R8Y57G850Z47MGTSF3X. The only difference between the two seems to be the RPM's of the fan (1600/1300rpm max. and 2200/1700rpm max.). They are both about the same price, so which should I get? 

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