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Hello everyone.

English is not my native language so i will try to do my best :)

I bought new pc before 6-7 months and yesterday I noticed something wet on 3/4 case fans. Some dudes on Reddit and other sites said that leakage is normal becuase they use more oil then they should and if they put too much it will leak. So I need a tip, should I send my pc to repair shop or should I continue to use it. I will post some pictures - pc is a bit dusty because pc seller is using some stupid stickers and if i open pc i will lose free diagnostic. Pc seller told me that they will fix it but sales manager from case manufacturer told me that she never saw problem like this and that they don't use oil. I think that she don't know what nothing about their products 😄 becuase you can buy those fans and in description you can see that they use hydraulic bearings... I'm not expert but I never saw hydraulic bearing without oil and please tell me if i'm wrong 🙂 Case is from Croatian manufacturer Bit Force, case Voltron RGB-4 and i payed 75€ for it. As you can see on pictures every fan leaked different amount of oil.


Thanks a lot in advance.





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fuXK readit..


i dont see any oil... fans that leak oil long time a go but fans like that are not made any more as far as i no... when you did oil them they lasted like 3-6 moths and then have to re oil them... hated it. love when you dont have to do that.


bearings can make nose thow and if there cheaply made over time and you just replace them.


you can run them they just make nose.


i mean just replace that fans... whats the problem?


Edited by thrasher_565

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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Corsair Lian Li Bykski Barrow thermaltake nzxt aquacomputer 5v argb pin out guide + argb info

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Odds and Sods Argb Rgb Links


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On first picture you can see dark lines and it's liquid like every oil. That one leaked just a little but on third and fourth picture you can see shiny darker marks and on second picture you cant see any darker marks becuase there is no leak. Under every fan that they sell you can find word hydraulic so there should be something for lubrication. I wanted to be sure if that is oil so I used Q tip and i collected some liquid from that leak on last picture and its some kind of oil or lube. I watched some videos from GamerNexus with a guy from Noctua and they said that they use lubrication liquid and video is 5 months old. I think that you dont have to oil new types or fans becuase they have oil that is sealed and on mighty google you can find a lot of examples of leaks.

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