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Netflix and other streaming services causing PC to lock up?

So recently I've been having this weird issue that started out with Netflix. Basically what would happen is after a while streaming the video would just freeze and even if I closed the app it wouldn't really closed. I tried watching it via the browser, but it was the same issue. When it happened, it cause my PC to essentially start locking up and not launching any programs where if I tried to shut it down, log off, or reset it I would end up with the blue screen and the spinning white dots forever. It seemed to only be happening with Netflix so to get around it I just started using a VM to watch stuff on Netflix when I wanted to watch Netflix. which wasn't the most optimal solution because for some reason oracle VM won't allow me to change the resolution higher than 1600x900 within the VM while the option to resize the screen via the program was completely locked and all I could do was scale it rather than resizing it to a higher resolution as well as I could only use full screen and scaled mode rather than seamless mode. As of today though I just had the same issue occur with Max a couple time while trying to watch a movie even though I had been able to watch stuff fine via Max without issues even though Netflix would be a problem either via the app or the website. I need to figure out why this is happening because I can't just keep having my PC freeze and being forced to hard reset it because it can't shut itself down after it locks up. It really doesn't make sense as I have plenty of RAM (64 GB with 4x 16 GB sticks) and I don't experience any other obvious issues. There doesn't seem to be any weird programs running in task manager, anything I can find in the startup programs, or something that doesn't look right in the task scheduler. This is just a really weird issue that only affects me while streaming causing the program that's streaming to lock up and not close properly even with task manager as well as it prevents the PC shutting off, resetting, or logging off when it does happen. Does anyone have any idea why I might be having these issues? Any help to solving the problem so I can keep streaming stuff without concern that it would lock up my computer will be greatly appreciated.

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On 5/26/2024 at 1:01 PM, spunk.funk said:

The thing is YouTube runs fine... Plus it's not just an issue with the browser as it initially started with the Netflix app, but also would happen with the browser when I tried switching to the browser thinking it was specifically related to the app as no other streaming services had the issue at the time.

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