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980Ti to 7800XT upgrade microstutters

Go to solution Solved by xAcid9,

Or maybe the game/gpu still compiling shaders on the fly hence the stutters. You're on DX12 yeah? 

15 hours ago, WereCat said:

It's not just an UE5 issue. It's more like a DX12 and Vulkan issue and the way devs decide to implement it. 

Strangely, I also had some initial stutters on the DX11 mode of the game, although much less severe than on DX12 mode (game gives you the option to switch).


In any case, the problem seems to have subsided without me changing anything..  most logical explanation I guess is that it was some kind of shader compilation stutter.


I also did some further checks on the GPU:

- 3D Mark Time Spy graphics score is normal for a 7800XT (18920 points)

- clocks seem stable

- temps seem normal (not exceeding 80C)

- games seem to run fine now


So I guess it is behaving normally now 🤷‍♂️


Thanks to everyone who helped out!

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