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Usage of a Tasmota smart wall plug with Hombridge Mqttthing plugin and a Mosquitto based MQTT server

Go to solution Solved by TechEnjoyer,

it fixed itself with an update 

So basically, I have recently flashed a tuya smart wall plug and now want to control it with Homebridge over MQTT with the Mqttthing plugin. I also created a Mosquitto MQTT server on an Raspberry Pi 4B, but it just won't work. 

What's not working is most likely the MQTT server because I can't connect to it with MQTT Explorer.


Thank you in advance.

Mosquitto docker-compose file:

        stdin_open: true
        tty: true
            - 1888:1883
            - 8001:9001
            - /docker/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
            - /docker/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data
            - /docker/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log
        image: eclipse-mosquitto

Tasmota Smartplug MQTT settings:


Hombridge Mqttthing plugin settings: 


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