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Random Tabbing Out


Hi, so I've been having this issue for a while but it hasn't really bothered me TOO much until today when it ruined my cleanest csgo clip to date, but basically my pc just tabs out of stuff for like no reason sometimes. This happens with fullscreen and windowed apps, but it's more like I pressed the clear screen button on the bottom right rather than alt+tabbing. The only difference is that pressing that usually would clear both of my monitors, when it only clears my main monitor. It's not a keyboard problem because in the time it's been happening I've used several different keyboards. Even on games where there is no chance that there's any sort of mouse input(I play Osu! with a graphics tablet with mouse input turned off and it still happens) and I really just don't know what could possibly be causing this. I don't have any startup apps save for my keyboard and mouse software and I'm certain I haven't been infected by any sort of virus, so I really have no clue what I could possibly do to fix this. Any ideas are appreciated, and if you feel you might know something but need more information, I'm more than willing to get screenshots/logs I would just need to know what you specifically want to see. Thank you! 馃槃

Edit: I'm on the latest Windows 10 build

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When you said that you don't have any "startup apps", do you mean that you have nothing else running but the default Windows processes?

I would guess the problem to be some program that has a bad habit of forcing itself onto the top every now and then. I'd start troubleshooting with shutting off EVERYTHING that's not necessary to keep Windows running, and see if that fixes anything. But if you have already done that, then i really have no idea.

If i were you, i'd reinstall Windows and see if that fixes it. If it still happens with a fresh install, then it's probably hardware related. Maybe bugging out USB device or whatever. At this point it's really hard to tell.

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