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Need info on GA104 (3070ti) die size for copper mod

This is not selling for/in my country:

I will make it myself. I'm thinking about locally laser-cutting a copper sheet/block.
1mm thick, between vram and heatsink, or should I get a thicker block?
For that, I'll need to make and give a CAD file to the local service provider.

This is the best info I've found so far. Mine's an Asus 3070ti TUF, haven't found on Tech Power Up yet, but seems to be the same as in the above video.



This above is the closest I've found from the Asus TUF, seems to be the same orientation, proportion, 0-2-3-3 vram chip pattern.

The size and distance from GPU die to vram chips must be the same.

Picture seems a bit warped by lens, but seems fine for drawing the CAD on top of.
I just need dimensions of the core die or vram chips outter shell, something like that, to take as reference.


If anyone already has a CAD file, or knows a link, somewhere I can get the data I need, PLEASE聽share. 馃檪
When I install mine, if it works, I'll give the cad file in here for free so that anyone (INDIVIDUAL) can just laser cut this easy poop fix by him/her self, and be done with.聽

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