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Do you think the backpack is for tall people?


As a college junior, I've had the same backpack since my starting semester sophomore year in high school, and the thing is shot, but since I'm going to constantly be carrying tech with me no matter where I end post-collegiate wise. In addition to this, just getting a better back pack to help distribute the 25 or so lbs I carry on me at full load even for only for my senior year would be a lifesaver and worth the cost. So I'm ready for August and myself would be ready to put half down at least if not preorder to be able to get something like this come said month (if allowed), except for one concern: I don't feel like it, but I've been told I'm tall.


Since I am 6'4" or 193cm, I inherently have a concern that the bag may just be awkward on someone with a larger frame as me. (Wear 2XL and 235lbs, good mix of muscle and fat)

I clearly don't have much expertise buying bags, so I'm asking mostly to gauge the opinions of other prospective backpack buyers: Do you think it'll be worth it for tall individuals? Even if you aren't tall yourself, know of any good ways to know?

Even without backpack expertise, the foam padding and aluminum buckles + grommeted straps is pretty comforting, but you never know if something problematic is staring you in the face. 

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As someone who has your height beat by a solid 3-4 inches, I've never considered my height when looking at a bag.


just "does it fit my shoulders or not"

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