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Clight or alternative for monitor brightness controll through webcam

Hi everyone, I am loking for some software solution to auto control screen brightness through the webcam (I do not have a light sensor in my monitor and would prefer not to buy an external one).
I looked around and found this Clight on github GitHub - FedeDP/Clight: A C daemon that turns your webcam into a light sensor. It will adjust screen backlight based on ambient brightness. It seems one of the only options, but I am not a programmer and not really confident with code, and I am not able to understand how to use the program and if it is compatible.

I am currently on windows 10, and I see that in the code there is written archlinux. This makes me think it is a linux only app, but hope never dies, and maybe there is a workaround with the windows subsystem for linux?

Also an alternative using something like python would be a nice project to work on for me. (I know python basics but usually work on R for statistical reasons, I know R is more similar to C probably).

Let me know if you have any suggestion.


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36 minutes ago, Piliffo said:

I am currently on windows 10, and I see that in the code there is written archlinux. This makes me think it is a linux only app, but hope never dies, and maybe there is a workaround with the windows subsystem for linux?

Nope, systemd is one of the requirements and that's not available on WSL. Furthermore I don't think WSL can control hardware screen brightness.


Unfortunately I don't think there's a ready made solution for windows.

Don't ask to ask, just ask... please 🤨

sudo chmod -R 000 /*

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A slightly bodgy solution would be to use OpenCV (which has a Python library) to capture the ambient brightness from your webcam, and use that to invoke a command line DDC/CI tool (ControlMyMonitor, Monitorian, or whatever your manufacturer offers) to change the display brightness.

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