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Macbook with PC

So I am buying a laptop, budget 1100, am a windows person but considering the macbook air. What are some limits i have with a macbook and pc. By that i mean limitations.


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On 5/5/2021 at 5:31 AM, Shadowkeep757 said:

So I am buying a laptop, budget 1100, am a windows person but considering the macbook air. What are some limits i have with a macbook and pc. By that i mean limitations.


I'm guessing by MacBook air you mean the newer M1 macbooks right?


The biggest difference is in gaming and lack of support to third party apps.


What I like about windows is that if it's a feature you don't like 99% chance there is a third party app to fix it.

I have never owned a Mac but from what I gather they are decent machines and are mostly intended for non tech savvy users, photoediting, video editing or other professional applications where one would benefit from the optimization, simplicity and the OS of a MacBook.



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Biggest pro for a macbook in my experience is how long they'll last. I was in a media-centric college environment dominated by macs and people had 10 year old systems, 5 year old systems, they just seemed to keep on going. Their biggest con is cost. Pretty hefty up front price and if something goes wrong in their "sealed systems" you're gonna have to pay someone at an apple store or void the warranty. 


PC's are going to cost less and be more personally maintainable (i.e. youtube and a screwdriver will help you fix almost any hardware situation). And as Cheburek said they're going to be really different gaming wise (soooo many games don't support MacOS). Generally, they're more flexible. 


As far as being a Windows person or Mac person, learning the other OS really isn't that bad at all. You'll get the hang of it in a week. 

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