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Facebook's UWP app is dead. Long live PWA

So this is a thing.  I may have been one of the few people who really like Windows 8-10 UWP apps.  I still love the VASTLY superior MS One Note UWP App but it seems that it may be curtains for that platform as now Facebook's UWP app is gone and with the new Edge it has what looks to my eye to be a proper PWA.  


This is what I got when I tried to access the Facebook UWP app tonight. 




So I decide to take another look at the facebook site "installed as an app" in edge and it looks like a real PWA.   I know FB experimented with PWA's a bit but not really officially. 



(Yes that is my real name, I don't care, I'm a mildly google able science blogger. )


Funny thing is the Facebook messenger app was updated recently and still works.  Why?  The website does the same tricks as far as I can tell. 


So what says the forum is FB abandoning the UWP platform a final death knell for this or is this just a transition to full PWA support everywhere?  The new OS is now the browser with the rest of the OS just being a way to manage files and run a few non-browser apps. 


Maybe what was old was is new.  Windows 9x did something like this with Internet Explorer for a while. 


Memba this? http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9805/14/windows98.review/index.html  Oh and check out how the net looked back in the day LOL.  That was cutting edge stuff when I was in high school. 

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12 hours ago, Hakemon said:

The UWP app had many many bugs, and Facebook was simply not managing it.

I think it goes further.  The UWP is basically dead except for a few MS apps that are actually good. 

Which is sad in a way ... but it was really just a stop gap between desktop apps and PWA's becoming more accepted. 

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