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Help reading a late 2011 MacBook Pro (8.2) crash report

Hi, I came to you to help me with something... My 2011 MacBook Pro is crashing unexpectedly.

MacBook Pro Specs :

MacBook Pro 15" late 2011

ID : MacBookPro8,2

All components are original except the storage disk. I replaced it for an SSD after the hard drive died. 250GB SSD with High Sierra 10.13.6
If you need anything else let me know !


I've decided to try to fix the problem but I'm stuck on this crash report.

From what I understand the GPU is involved?
If someone can "translate" this I would be grateful !

The MacBook Pro 2011 crash report.


Update :

I just tried to run "photo Booth" under High Sierra and the MacBook crashed again.

I attached the second report here as well, if it helps.

2nd crash report of the MacBook Pro 2011


I also attached a photo of the screen i have when the MacBook crash : https://imgur.com/a/YECMIMp


Thanks ! I'm really hoping someone can help me, you're my last resort!
Sry for the bad English i'm not native..


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17 hours ago, Sitam said:

Hi, I came to you to help me with something... My 2011 MacBook Pro is crashing unexpectedly.

MacBook Pro Specs :

MacBook Pro 15" late 2011

ID : MacBookPro8,2

All components are original except the storage disk. I replaced it for an SSD after the hard drive died. 250GB SSD with High Sierra 10.13.6
If you need anything else let me know !


I've decided to try to fix the problem but I'm stuck on this crash report.

From what I understand the GPU is involved?
If someone can "translate" this I would be grateful !

The MacBook Pro 2011 crash report.


Update :

I just tried to run "photo Booth" under High Sierra and the MacBook crashed again.

I attached the second report here as well, if it helps.

2nd crash report of the MacBook Pro 2011


I also attached a photo of the screen i have when the MacBook crash : https://imgur.com/a/YECMIMp


Thanks ! I'm really hoping someone can help me, you're my last resort!
Sry for the bad English i'm not native..


Looks to me like the GPU is finally failing, as expected in the 2011 year. Surprised it lasted this long.

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Just because it may seem like magic, I'm not a wizard, just a nerd. I am fallible. 

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5 hours ago, SlayerOfHellWyrm said:

Looks to me like the GPU is finally failing, as expected in the 2011 year. Surprised it lasted this long.

Thanks for the answer, if anyone else has a comment, I'll take it.

So my options are to either change the motherboard or disable the graphics card?

If there are any other options I'd like to know about them ^^.

Thanks again :)

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