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Powershell (script for exchange server)


My boss found a script that we run to track mail stats for our employees:



#requires -version 2.0 
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010

$today = get-date 
$rundate = $($today.adddays(-7)).toshortdatestring() 
$rundateend = $($today.adddays(-1)).toshortdatestring() 
$outfile_date = ([datetime]$rundate).tostring("yyyy_MM_dd") 
$outfile = "c:\Emaillogs\email_stats_" + $outfile_date + ".csv" 
$dl_stat_file = "c:\Emaillogs\DL_stats.csv" 
$accepted_domains = Get-AcceptedDomain |% {$_.domainname.domain} 
[regex]$dom_rgx = "`(?i)(?:" + (($accepted_domains |% {"@" + [regex]::escape($_)}) -join "|") + ")$" 
$mbx_servers = Get-ExchangeServer |? {$_.serverrole -match "Mailbox"}|% {$_.fqdn} 
[regex]$mbx_rgx = "`(?i)(?:" + (($mbx_servers |% {"@" + [regex]::escape($_)}) -join "|") + ")\>$" 
$msgid_rgx = "^\<.+@.+\..+\>$" 
$hts = get-exchangeserver |? {$_.serverrole -match "hubtransport"} |% {$_.name} 
$exch_addrs = @{} 
$msgrec = @{} 
$bytesrec = @{} 
$msgrec_exch = @{} 
$bytesrec_exch = @{} 
$msgrec_smtpext = @{} 
$bytesrec_smtpext = @{} 
$total_msgsent = @{} 
$total_bytessent = @{} 
$unique_msgsent = @{} 
$unique_bytessent = @{} 
$total_msgsent_exch = @{} 
$total_bytessent_exch = @{} 
$unique_msgsent_exch = @{} 
$unique_bytessent_exch = @{} 
$total_msgsent_smtpext = @{} 
$total_bytessent_smtpext = @{} 
$unique_bytessent_smtpext = @{} 
$dl = @{} 
$obj_table = { 
Date = $rundate
User = $($address.split("@")[0]) 
Domain = $($address.split("@")[1]) 
Sent Total = $(0 + $total_msgsent[$address]) 
Sent MB Total = $("{0:F2}" -f $($total_bytessent[$address]/1mb)) 
Received Total = $(0 + $msgrec[$address]) 
Received MB Total = $("{0:F2}" -f $($bytesrec[$address]/1mb)) 
Sent Internal = $(0 + $total_msgsent_exch[$address]) 
Sent Internal MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($total_bytessent_exch[$address]/1mb)) 
Sent External = $(0 + $total_msgsent_smtpext[$address]) 
Sent External MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($total_bytessent_smtpext[$address]/1mb)) 
Received Internal = $(0 + $msgrec_exch[$address]) 
Received Internal MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($bytesrec_exch[$address]/1mb)) 
Received External = $(0 + $msgrec_smtpext[$address]) 
Received External MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($bytesrec_smtpext[$address]/1mb)) 
Sent Unique Total = $(0 + $unique_msgsent[$address]) 
Sent Unique MB Total = $("{0:F2}" -f $($unique_bytessent[$address]/1mb)) 
Sent Internal Unique  = $(0 + $unique_msgsent_exch[$address])  
Sent Internal Unique MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($unique_bytessent_exch[$address]/1mb)) 
Sent External  Unique = $(0 + $unique_msgsent_smtpext[$address]) 
Sent External Unique MB = $("{0:F2}" -f $($unique_bytessent_smtpext[$address]/1mb)) 
$props = $obj_table.ToString().Split("`n")|% {if ($_ -match "(.+)="){$matches[1].trim()}} 
$stat_recs = @() 
function time_pipeline { 
param ($increment  = 1000) 
begin{$i=0;$timer = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::startnew()} 
process { 
    if (!($i % $increment)){Write-host “`rProcessed $i in $($timer.elapsed.totalseconds) seconds” -nonewline} 
end { 
    write-host “`rProcessed $i log records in $($timer.elapsed.totalseconds) seconds” 
    Write-Host "   Average rate: $([int]($i/$timer.elapsed.totalseconds)) log recs/sec." 
#foreach ($ht in $hts){ 
$ht = "ourmailserver"
    Write-Host "`nStarted processing $ht" 
    get-messagetrackinglog -Server $ht -Start "$rundate" -End "$rundateend 11:59:59 PM" -resultsize unlimited | 
    time_pipeline |%{ 
    if ($_.eventid -eq "DELIVER" -and $_.source -eq "STOREDRIVER"){ 
        if ($_.messageid -match $mbx_rgx -and $_.sender -match $dom_rgx) { 
            $total_msgsent[$_.sender] += $_.recipientcount 
            $total_bytessent[$_.sender] += ($_.recipientcount * $_.totalbytes) 
            $total_msgsent_exch[$_.sender] += $_.recipientcount 
            $total_bytessent_exch[$_.sender] += ($_.totalbytes * $_.recipientcount) 
            foreach ($rcpt in $_.recipients){ 
            $exch_addrs[$rcpt] ++ 
            $msgrec[$rcpt] ++ 
            $bytesrec[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes 
            $msgrec_exch[$rcpt] ++ 
            $bytesrec_exch[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes 
        else { 
            if ($_messageid -match $messageid_rgx){ 
                    foreach ($rcpt in $_.recipients){ 
                        $msgrec[$rcpt] ++ 
                        $bytesrec[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes 
                        $msgrec_smtpext[$rcpt] ++ 
                        $bytesrec_smtpext[$rcpt] += $_.totalbytes 
    if ($_.eventid -eq "RECEIVE" -and $_.source -eq "STOREDRIVER"){ 
        $exch_addrs[$_.sender] ++ 
        $unique_msgsent[$_.sender] ++ 
        $unique_bytessent[$_.sender] += $_.totalbytes 
            if ($_.recipients -match $dom_rgx){ 
                $unique_msgsent_exch[$_.sender] ++ 
                $unique_bytessent_exch[$_.sender] += $_.totalbytes 
            if ($_.recipients -notmatch $dom_rgx){ 
                $ext_count = ($_.recipients -notmatch $dom_rgx).count 
                $unique_msgsent_smtpext[$_.sender] ++ 
                $unique_bytessent_smtpext[$_.sender] += $_.totalbytes 
                $total_msgsent[$_.sender] += $ext_count 
                $total_bytessent[$_.sender] += ($ext_count * $_.totalbytes) 
                $total_msgsent_smtpext[$_.sender] += $ext_count 
                 $total_bytessent_smtpext[$_.sender] += ($ext_count * $_.totalbytes) 
    if ($_.eventid -eq "expand"){ 
        $dl[$_.relatedrecipientaddress] ++ 
#}#end of the foreach (we only have one mail server) 
foreach ($address in $exch_addrs.keys){ 
$stat_rec = (new-object psobject -property (ConvertFrom-StringData (&$obj_table))) 
$stat_recs += $stat_rec | select $props 
$stat_recs | export-csv $outfile -notype  
if (Test-Path $dl_stat_file){ 
    $DL_stats = Import-Csv $dl_stat_file 
    $dl_list = $dl_stats |% {$_.address} 
else { 
    $dl_list = @() 
    $DL_stats = @() 
$DL_stats |% { 
    if ($dl[$_.address]){ 
        if ([datetime]$_.lastused -le [datetime]$rundate){  
            $_.used = [int]$_.used + [int]$dl[$_.address] 
            $_.lastused = $rundate 
$dl.keys |% { 
    if ($dl_list -notcontains $_){ 
        $new_rec = "" | select Address,Used,Since,LastUsed 
        $new_rec.address = $_ 
        $new_rec.used = $dl[$_] 
        $new_rec.Since = $rundate 
        $new_rec.lastused = $rundate 
        $dl_stats += @($new_rec) 
$dl_stats | Export-Csv $dl_stat_file -NoTypeInformation -force 
Write-Host "`nRun time was $(((get-date) - $today).totalseconds) seconds." 
Write-Host "Email stats file is $outfile" 
Write-Host "DL usage stats file is $dl_stat_file" 

But here's the weird thing... for some users, it stores how many internal messages they send ($total_msgsent_exch) and receive, but for half, it always says 0.  BUT if I run the following:

get-messagetrackinglog -Server ourserver -Start "7/16/2019 00:00:00" -End "7/16/2019 11:59:59 PM" -resultsize unlimited -Source "STOREDRIVER" | Out-GridView



and search for any of the "doesn't send internal messages" users for any day, it reports they've sent internal messages!  Meaning it SHOULD be reporting things in the main script.  I'm just confused as to why half the people get values for sent/received internal, half don't.


Any ideas?

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    if ($_.eventid -eq "DELIVER" -and $_.source -eq "STOREDRIVER"){ 
        if ($_.messageid -match $mbx_rgx -and $_.sender -match $dom_rgx) { 

It seems that that variable is only updated when these are true, so maybe the messages that aren't getting logged don't satisfy the conditions. Perhaps one of the regexes is incorrect or some of the messages have a different format?

Don't ask to ask, just ask... please 🤨

sudo chmod -R 000 /*

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Hmm... That totally made sense (so much so I ran an modified command of the following just to see the relevant fields... Basically I Did this:

$accepted_domains = Get-AcceptedDomain |% {$_.domainname.domain} 
[regex]$dom_rgx = "`(?i)(?:" + (($accepted_domains |% {"@" + [regex]::escape($_)}) -join "|") + ")$" 
$mbx_servers = Get-ExchangeServer |? {$_.serverrole -match "Mailbox"}|% {$_.fqdn} 
[regex]$mbx_rgx = "`(?i)(?:" + (($mbx_servers |% {"@" + [regex]::escape($_)}) -join "|") + ")\>$" 

        if ("9f1bb0cbc0c24072995dbc9593cebdcf@ourdomain.com" -match $mbx_rgx -and "user@ourdomain.com" -match $dom_rgx) { 
        echo "match"
        echo "no match"

(the data came from the log when I searched for the messageid and sender/receipient).  and it came up with "no match"!


OK... and when I matched code... But not entirely sure how to go about fixing it with the regex (not my strong suit... at all).


We have a "ourdomain.com" and a "server.ourdomain.loc" that the mail logs have listed in it. for mail  Anyone know how to modify the script to fix that?  thanks!

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I basically said "screw it" with the regex and just modified the code to use the exact string with a set regexinstead... worked better lol :)

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