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Everything posted by Juantaguan

  1. Vessel username: Juantaguan https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf
  2. Did anyone else notice that their logo is the same as the "M" in the MIT logo?
  3. Page 54 is blank so here's page 55 " Ch. 7 Solids, Liquids, Gases, and Solutions. All solids have particles that have limited energies and limited movement, where those particles can pack closely together but only vibrate around fixed positions." -AP Chemistry Crash Course
  4. Mine are brown, and I haven't noticed any color change at all. Maybe this person's face turns red when stressed. The difference in contrast could make the color change slightly.
  5. Yeah, I was just making a joke but it is a legitimate concern. When I was still using an xbox, i bought the kinect for the 360. I read the manual, the camera and microphone can turn on AT ANY TIME, and they have the right to pull footage from it. As long as it's plugged into the 360 it gets power. I kept a piece of paper in front when i wasn't using it.
  6. oh yeah forgot about that. just another way for the NSA to hear our conversations, except now we pay to have our house bugged. lol
  7. I can see how this could be potentially helpful, i just don't think it will be that useful in day to day life. I also think it's going to have trouble recognizing words.
  8. yay! Numberphile video. I used to watch these every day
  9. 25, because its easy to math with it's factors and multiples and Phi, because golden ratio.
  10. 25, because its easy to math with it's factors and multiples and Phi, because golden ratio.
  11. well you probably know more than me, i'm only in pre-calc.
  12. I personally don't think it would be considered advertising, It's just another way of presenting your review. I may be wrong. This is just my personal opinion.
  13. How would one go about, hypothetically, setting all 30 of them up to fold or mine? Hypothetically.
  14. I have a it and my monitor plugged into a surge protector that also has an external battery in case the power goes out.
  15. Well, since you play mostly cs:go, I would recommend anything that would make that experience better. A new graphics card wouldn't do that too much, since it's not too intensive, so i would recommend any of the other options. I would get the mechanical keyboard first, unless you're current chair is really bad and you're okay with using your current keyboard for a while.
  16. Juantaguan

    Rate your ISP!

    I have some local company called Advanced Cable. It's the best in the area considering my other options are comcast and AT&t. They don't have a download cap like comcast, but they don't give any minimum quality so on some days the internet is 0.1 down and 0.1 up, instead of the best that i've gotten with them, 20 down, and 10 up.
  17. I saw this in my drivers for my graphics card http://puu.sh/c65Ru/010c42b58d.png The default is the top one. Can anyone explain to me the differences between the four and whether i should change it?
  18. i signed up and i want to email it to myself, but when I click on the email icon it opens in outlook. Is there anyway to change this?
  19. Congrats you taught me a new word today. Thanks Uhh. i didn't necessarily like it because I had to do 20 minutes every weekend, but i'm a bit biased. Trying to look at it from an objective standpoint, the format was pretty good. Over time it actually did teach me Russian/Spanish. Fair warning though the spelling parts are REALLY hard, especially if you have to do them 50 times over to get them 100% (requirement from the school, you don't have to get 100% if your using it recreationaly) I personally think that the price is a bit overkill so try to weigh it with the other options. Oh, and it gets boring fast, due to it's monotony. Take that into account and remember to consider other options. Feel free to ask me any more questions you happen to have.
  20. I took a language learning class as an elective in 6th grade. They used rosetta stone, since the school was already using it to teach Spanish (our teacher was that bad). As a joke i took Russian. Unless you have a really good memory and practice it a lot, it won't stick. I don't have any other experience using another language learning program so some other input would be useful. oh and btw the price is ridiculous. sooo there's that. Hope this helped!
  21. Thanks on the quick reply. What do you mean when the computers come back? Like, the customer comes back with another problem?