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Posts posted by TrubblishONE

  1. Ok just looked at the XFX Radeon R9 290 Double Dissipation and 250 Watts!!! I don't think my be quiet l8 400 watt psu will hold up to that!, knowing that, any other suggestions that might have a lower TDP?

     GTX 900 series then. I think most those cards should be fine, other than the 980 maybe. So again a 970 for 220 is perfect. http://www.newegg.com/global/uk/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121899&cm_re=970-_-14-121-899-_-Product

  2. are you on the newest drivers? If so, try rolling back to older ones, if not update.

     Its been happening for the past few months even after and before I update my drivers with a game called SNOW, I assumed it was because the game was in alpha but now its happening in BF4. I think its a card issue.

  3. I've recently downloaded and started playing Battle field 4. My rig has been a beast running at 90-120FPS all the time. But just now, my GPU usage wen't down to 10-20% and my FPS dropped to 8-10FPS. Still, the temps are only at mid 60's and my power supply has WAY MORE than enough power for the 970. Despite that it seems like the card is throttling it self. Not sure what to do but I could take some suggestions. 


    Pic: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-Wv1T6CEAAzZER.jpg:large




    4690k CPU

    16GB's RAM

    GTX970 GPU

  4. i5 - Not bad


    Seidon 240M - Would still rather get a Cryorig R1 and not have to do the MIR


    CNPS9900 - Worth the extra $10 to get the Hyper 212 EVO and not have to do the MIR and save yourself the huge pain in the ass of installing one of those Zalman coolers

    Yeah, but price to performance ratio's are really good with those two products. Ever if its a pain to deal with MIR, I think its very worth it to get those coolers at that price. My H75 cost the same as that Seidon 240M, wish I had that thing for my PC

  5. So I decided, since its almost black Friday I wanted to make a central hub for all the best deals for CPU's (and coolers). So on black Friday I'll be posting good deals I spot and I'd like to see what deals other people find. I myself am looking to upgrade from my G3258 to a 4690k or better, and I'll be updating it when I spot a good CPU deal. And instead of keeping it to myself, I'll just update this thread.


    Here are some good deals I've spotted today:


    Intel 4690K for $209.99 (Processor) USD


    Cooler master Seidon 240M $69.99 USD (dual 120M close loop liquid cooler for $70?!) (after mail and rebate)


    Zalman CNPS 9900 MAX 135M 24.99 (cooler) USD (after mail and rebate)


    (will be updated tomorrow with more! Leave a post with deals you found!)

  6. I think this part of the sub forum is the only place I can get away from the bickering from the rest of the forum.

    As for sarcasm, that requires knowing the person and tone of speech/body language something that when written down is hard to pick up.

    For example your picture of me I figured you were joking around but I could of taken it that you were threatening me.

    yeah, I kinda banked on people seeing that it was MS paint stick figures and would figure that out. Its definitely easier to know sarcasm in a forum were its very common, although I think these forums are more serious/helpful most of the time. Understandably, as I and as you said, sarcastic jokes are hard to pick up on through text.

  7. @CatCloud Well I apologize that it "Offended" you. That was just a theme of another forum I am a part of, though this is a much bigger and matured forum I guess. It's a habit, but I think you should be more open-minded then, from what I've noticed, you seem. I thought it was obvious the sarcastic, intentionally ironic egotistical comment on this thread. But I should know from experience that is somewhat hard to detect, I am sorry for that. But I'm new to the forums, so I'll learn the do's and donts.
