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Everything posted by Theo

  1. i got an edge router from ubiquiti with the ac ap pro access point from them as well, should be 210 or something
  2. you use that chair more than anything else, that and the desk. They both should be very good. Ofc its a good idea
  3. Also play on march and broken bones, normal is too easy
  4. Just play as you want. However some quests will become unavailable if you progress too far into the story, though the game will tell you when thats about to happen. Enjoy it because when you finish it, feel train will hit u at full force.
  5. Yeah I have that one, the one in your room might be just a switch though
  6. Yeah mbps, max ive gotten on steam is 22mb/s Gonna ask telenet to replace the modem/router we have to a simple modem so i can use my shit, which should improve things
  7. getting 200 down and 16up with telenet, 70e though
  8. Look at witcher 3, adapt that for elder scrolls
  9. Bad rounds happen to everyone. Are you trying to feel better about being mg?
  10. Skyrim when it came out went on sale fie first Christmas for 30,% off, fallout didn't (just one example)
  11. Sales this year were so bad. Only reason they sold more Is cause of more people Worse "deals" I've seen in a steam sale
  12. Silverstone ap121 is what I have and they work pretty good and are cheap
  13. While you don't need any extra security because you don't do any important work on your pc, doesn't mean others are the same. In every thread about av I see the same stupid answers and the worse is people actually listen to this. Go read about all the ways you can get infected and tell me how common sense will protect you from something like the puush virus update.
  14. Yeahhhh, you dont have to deal with link on the h100i either if you dont want to...
  15. Theo


    Oh I know but that doesn't stop me from being able to profit from it, I regularly buy stupid expensive skins and sell them for more. Its really cool imo to have a cool/expensive skin for a few games and see the reaction of other people but in the end I'm greedy af so I sell for money
  16. Theo


    Gotta look dope af yo
  17. Theo


    Oh but I've seen knives being sold for 5k dollars. Some stickers alone cost 1800. Its real enough if you use it lol
  18. Theo


    Once for a 4euro skin, 2 months later I unboxed a 250e knife. 5/7 would get scammed again if I got another knife
  19. Witcher 3,lived up to it and beyond imo