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Wow. The people behind Font Aweosme are actually making it painful to now use Font Awesome without paying for it.


Firstly, the CDN seems to be mostly gone unless you jump through tons of hoops like signing up for a Font Awesome account, registering a kit for a website etc.


Secondly, the restrictions on the free version now make it impractical to use the Free Version on anything other than a personal side project because of page view limitations etc.


And thirdly, the way they're forcing people on the Free Version to use it through their new Kits system is just so frustrating and painful.



Honestly, I liked Font Awesome a lot better when they were really broke. The money has ,imho, clearly gotten to their heads.

  1. dizmo


    You mean they want to get money for something they've put their time and effort into?

  2. AlTech


    @dizmo No, I think they're really milking their position in the marketplace.


    They already easily got paid for Font Awesome 5 when they ran a Kickstarter or something like that for it.

  3. dizmo


    Ok, so what you're saying is this:

    • If I were a farmer, and I raised say cows, and sold cows last year, I shouldn't be entitled to any money from further cow raising.
    • Since they got money from Mass Effect 1, Bioware shouldn't have asked for money for 2, 3, or Andromeda.

    Your argument makes no sense at all.

  4. givingtnt


    What's that ?
    Something that's worth money is a pain in the ass unless you pay ?

    Big surprise.

    Next think you'll know I'll have to pay to eat !

  5. Damascus


    That's like if someone developed a widely loved product, got support for a version of said product and then, when the next revision/others who weren't part of the kickstarter want to use it they gasp want more money?


    Gotta keep the artists starving, it makes them better or some shit?  GTFO

  6. AlTech


    My problem is they nerfed the free version to the point where it's practically useless.This affects most people using it because the vast majority of individual people using Font Awesome are probably using the free version.


    Companies probably are paying for the paid version but I doubt ordinary individuals are.


    Edit: Also, I wouldn't be as mad if this was completely proprietary. But it's not. The free version is completely open source. The paid version is proprietary. And so there's no real opportunity to bypass the paid version like there is for other open source software with paid versions.


    E.g. BitWarden, RocketChat, Discourse, WordPress, and a bunch of others I don't remember off the top of my head etc. But the idea is that quite a few open source projects which have paid stuff offer you ways around paying such as letting you self-host it if they offer paid cloud hosting.


    Here, it's just holding the open source version back for the sake of it.
