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Wait till my sponsors hear about this. You filthy Mud Blood.



  1. DildorTheDecent


    I always wondered what happened to Linus Shady.


    Probably trapped in the NCIX office along with the heavy breathing cameraman.

  2. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    i have the vessel link but have no idea what video it was, but it's from 5 years ago https://www.vessel.com/videos/WLb1bE0Vz


  3. Tech_Dreamer


    cannot access the site, changed to several other IP's & still no access. how'd you get that exact link?

  4. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    i had it linked in the imgur link https://imgur.com/LtAZ4o2
    also did you forget vessel is dead? even their redirect page saying it was dead is dead.  

  5. Tech_Dreamer


    oh, i thought they made past videos free to browse or something when they stopped the service for some reason. damn they're perma dead. if that's done for , then how the hell is floatplane still going on with far less support for that platform comparatively?

  6. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    because unlike vessel its channel based subscription, unlike vessel which was one for all 

  7. Tech_Dreamer


    i didn't subscribe to the Vessel offer when it was free, i remember Linus giving out 6 months or something for free with the early access. felt like it was way too business oriented like it was a weird lure to get you hooked. i wonder why they shut down.i remember Linus was one of the major players that brought a huge amount of subs to the platform.

  8. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    yes but also no, there was a lot of science channels promoting vessel such as versitaium, green borthers, CGP grey, Smarter every day etc, but now those science guys have their own platform called nebula
