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Llord Dominik

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About Llord Dominik

  • Birthday Aug 25, 1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Melbourne, Ausmerica


  • CPU
  • Motherboard
    ASUS Maximus VI Formula
  • RAM
    G.Skill Trident X
  • GPU
    EVGA 780 ti
  • Case
    White Enthoo Primo
  • Storage
    More than I need
  • PSU
    Corsair AX860i

Llord Dominik's Achievements

  1. LLORDDOMINIK https://www.vessel.com/videos/aBRl_4ZS6 https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0
  2. I've played more than half of my games, but my library only has 17 games. I can understand why some people might have a shit ton of games. Even if they don't play all the games at least they are supporting indie game developers.
  3. They've dropped like a dollar 50 in the last month. I can get gas at $2.60 per gallon near my house in Los Angeles
  4. I love churches for the architecture and the atmosphere. They're so important for the history of architecture. Mosques are the shit, especially the ones I've learnt about in Spain. Muslims take the mathematical and architecture love of god to a whole other level.
  5. I'd use it to build the ultimate meat pie... I mean rig. I'd take any excuse to build a new rig, even though it hasn't been that long since I built my first one.
  6. I'm so psyched you guys finally hit 1 million subs. I found you guys when I first started the journey of building my first PC. I watched all the popular tech dudes on youtube, but yours stood out. The quality and professionalism of your videos are top notch and when you guys let loose, the quality doesn't suffer (It's a nice occasional contrast). I think I watched at least 6 months of backlog and have watched almost every video you guys have put up since. The WAN show is one of my favorite video podcast-type productions. It's so clear how much effort and enjoyment goes into the videos. I hope LMG stays profitable for as long as you guys enjoy making your videos. As far as content I'd like to see: I enjoyed Slick's latest VO video from CTIA. It fit perfectly with the footage. I wouldn't do it all the time, but I'm sure you guys will use that format when it makes sense. I was gonna say that I'm not that into ChannelSuperFun, but looking over the videos there I think I may have been missing out. It might be too much extra work, but board games or video games (probably indies) would excite me. Do some office lasertag. Keep up the good work!
  7. After reading through the majority of the comments on this topic, it seems like it's full of two outspoken minorities. Those with a significant amount of nostalgia surrounding the state that LTT used to be in, with a few relevant points and a lot of nostalgia. Of course I may be wrong but that's how it seems. Having now gone back and watched a number of the older videos I don't see that much of a difference. I agree with what Linus said about how his channel has changed. I don't personally see the change as a move towards the impersonal. I think that the professionalism does not really have that significant of an effect on the actual content of his videos, it does however change the way it is delivered. I like that he now takes the time to create a well developed set of opinions on what he reviews (in the form of a script). It may seem impersonal or fake to some of you, but I just don't see it. The other outspoken minority are the defenders. Many of them (like me) are new and can't honestly see enough of a difference to understand some of your points. Some are older and still they disagree enough to speak for the current state of the show. I'm sure the majority of the viewers are happy. I think it's in the best interest of the community and for the LMG that LTT continues to keep up the professionalism it has created. Something else I think worth pointing out is that shows end because people get bored of them. If you don't change anything, or if the original viewership has just been watching for sooooo long, they get bored. Some of you may be getting bored with LTT because you've been watching for so long. There's only so much variety you can expect when it comes to a tech review show. @LinusTech Would/do you shoot additional non-scripted content for videos? You could have Slick or anyone off camera saying stuff to you or asking questions to get more spontaneous opinions etc. Have you ever seen Rev3Games' "Address the Sess" or "Unmute Yourself"? They usually have a couple of their personalities on a google hangout with a general framework for the episode (one or two topics) and then they invite members of their community and industry people on to dialogue with them. A more community oriented video to take up another day of the week may attract some of these people who miss the perceived personality and spontaneity of older videos.
  8. Not impressed. It clearly needs a custom NAS installed and a liquid nitrogen cooled gaming rig. But in all seriousness, how much for a sweet night of passionate sex with her?
  9. Make one for yourself. I'm not familiar with Australian prices, but building a computer is pretty easy and a lot of fun. DO IT
  10. I haven't seen much of the old stuff, but I've watched every LTT video from this last month or so (since I started watching Linus' vids). I've enjoyed almost all of them. I find the vids to be both thorough and authentic. Slick's great too. I'd be down for more Slick-only vids. I've also been enjoying the WAN show. I'd support them taking another day a week to do another less scripted, casual, or community oriented video. The whole LTT crew seems pretty cool. While I think that Linus and Slick make great hosts and mascots for the LMG overall, I'd like to see more of the crew, even if it's just them chilling drinking or playing a board game or talking about some topics (assuming Linus doesn't rule them with an iron fist).
  11. Stormtrooper. Though she shoots straight and hasn't died yet. Not very stormtooperly