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Everything posted by Minicoop

  1. Definitely a lot to look through on this one but I appreciate you finding this one for me! This probably explains it since off the top of my head I believe im doing usw1.ethpool.org. I couldn't really notice that one while I kept checking I guess. It seems more or less that its just best to just allow the payout to happen automatically then as opposed to taking a chunk out of something that is already minimal in the first place. I couldn't find anything either but seeing ones name on multiple different recommendations i.e. NBMiner put it towards the top of my list of popular/safe options. Just good to know I didnt get a doozie. Im pretty certain I didn't botch this one since I directly copied it from my Exodus desktop app. Follow up question at the bottom along this subject. Very much understand this one. I guess that question almost represents the typical phrase around crypto with FOMO. So with the question I wanted to ask after the ETH address one that I had. through the BATCH file I inserted my Exodus wallet receive for Ethereum directly (copy+paste) and double checked and everything looked good so Im pretty certain its not being sent to the wrong place. Whenever I go to ethermine.org there is an option in order to look up Miner via that receive code and did that and was live tracking it just fine but I noticed that there was an option it had appeared to link a Wallet through Wallet Connect so I had linked my TrustWallet because I thought that it was the only way in order to receive those funds. I'm feeling like me doing that really isnt going to do anything since the miner is directly using my Exodus Eth code. So my question here after the long winded explanation is this, Is the only important code that needs to be paid special attention too is the code that I put into the BATCH file? Also another question for the road, is there a wallet is more compatible with NBMiner or are all the Wallets universally usable for mining? ALSO if you went through all of this again you are a trooper and I really appreciate your help!
  2. Yesterday I finally decided to try my hand with mining for crypto using NBMiner going for Ethereum. After doing some looking I feel I have a very basic understanding enough to have been able to link my exodus wallet in the ETH.BAT file but I feel I don't truly have a full understanding just yet. Also Im sorry if some of these questions ask the same thing, Im overly cautious and wanting to make sure that I cover every corner I can. TL;DR Some new boi asking a bunch of questions 1.) While using the NBMiner program is every 'accept' that happens equal to a solution being completed? 2.) I'm not really too sure of the pool that I am apart of, I selected the one through ethermine.org but it appears that I might be solo mining. Would it be better off if I was able to find a pool with others in order to make better use of my time and energy (better pay out)? 3.) I've read several places that once your computer completes a task that you get an immediate payout but when I checked this morning after it said that my computer has done 130 accepts I didn't see anything in any of my wallets. Does ethermine.org have some sort of limit that you have to accumulate in order to make an auto-withdrawal to my wallet? 4.) As for ease of use which miner should I attempt to use apart form NBMiner (unless NB is fine)? From what I've noticed it seems to work fairly well but I still don't know if Im doing things right since it seems TOO easy. 5.) When I edited the BATCH file I made sure to switch the server location to the one that was listed from ethermine.org and changed my address to my exodus wallet Ethereum receive, everything worked fine and the program started mining but my question here is if any of that information was wrong it wouldn't work at all correct? I would hate to have input something wrong and gotten nothing to show for it. 6.) Is really just inputting the ETH receive address all that's needed to actually receive funds from mining? 7.) What are some comprehensive YouTubers or Videos that were really informative to get you into a better understanding? Any Forums would equally work as well but generally I do better repeating something that I can visualize over just reading. 8.) As well as mining some Ethereum right now as a learning thing before they do the Proof-Of-Stake at the beginning of 2022 I've seen good things on RavenCoin. Would that be a good transition? (Not asking for immediate financial gain just curious for peoples OPINIONS on the potential) Cant think of anything else ATM but I'm hoping some sort of inciteful conversations will be able to bring up more! Thank you in advance for reading and taking the time to respond!
  3. Did the issue only pop up to your knowledge after that fact? I would try removing the sticks making sure everything looks good and swap the slots that they were in i.e. Put Slot 1 into Slot 3 and other way around
  4. Have you changed anything recently? Not removed the sticks or touched anything my accident?
  5. It makes no sense why they would target a package to 'bolster' the American economy only to allow a huge amount to go to other foreign countries. If it is a citizen based thing make it about the people and have all the other spending be something all to itself. I feel it was a rushed thing to fit things in that they had on their agenda but just pushed it off to far I mean who knows what other spending of this magnitude could have happened the last time around.
  6. If you aren't really that interested in playing like all the modern day FPS heavy games I don't really see a huge need to spend money when not needed. There are alot out there if you just find something within your respective price range. Most monitors will be a good choice and don't "really" matter to much until you start needing extra features like Freesync/G-Sync then all of those extra things matter but even a basic 120/144hz monitor will serve you well.
  7. What kind of internet speeds do you have?
  8. Also could be worth looking into something like a 120hz monitor just to make things alttle smoother but thats also just preference.
  9. Works with everything with the exception of the brand new Ryzen 5xxx series CPU's atm. You'll get alot of use out of the 2600x in the mean time, I was planning on upgrading to a 3700x some time after the new year but as long as im getting over 100fps im not to bothered.
  10. It wont be possible at all Atleast from what I've known. I have the same thing that whenever they do little small patches or updates it changes my screen type from fullscreen to windowed borderless and goes from 1920x1080 or something stupid like 1500x720. I would be interested in a way to fix it but I just revert it each and everytime (its like 3-4 times a week with all these patches).
  11. A Ryzen 5 3600 is priced right around $200 but maybe get something like a RTX 3070 but I still have a 2600x myself and run games quite well with my 2080s.
  12. Recording as in streaming or recording videos for YouTube? I would say it would be doable for just recording to upload but not really sure with streaming because I dont know whether the 1660s takes advantage of the NVENC encoder or not.
  13. Your text is not very night mode friendly
  14. Is your computer still OC'd? If so best to put it back to default settings.
  15. If you want even a decent bit of advice you are going to need to put your specs. No one is going to guess what you have.
  16. I mean I had someone from India claim that my Social Security Number expired and my credit card was required to update it or the FBI was going to arrest me. -Just got out of jail last month actually-
  17. It is on a new engine though The Witcher 3 was on the Redengine 3 and Cyberpunk runs off of the Redengine 4
  18. First off reading this REALLY hurt my brain with the lack of punctuation. Second off I can't really decipher what you are really wanting to know about getting any followers. If you are trying to make money off of it you need to put time into your content and build a community but it won't just be over night that you will have what you are looking for. Just with anything time and immense effort will be required so if you are good at making one type of content just stick with it but it's not really that easy. There are more people on the internet streaming their content now than back a couple years ago when it wasn't so common but easier to amass a following. Chances are even if you make good content the level of money that you are seeking won't come for many years and even if it can be made there isn't a guarantee that you'll be able to live off of it. If you decide to try making content though best bet would be just streaming to Twitch or Facebook and then just uploading VOD's to a YouTube channel and hope for views. Not the most helpful advice but better to be honest and not sugar coat something like this, best of luck.
  19. Given your predicament probably best would be just going with the combo game as opposed to the Gold version of anything. Gold edition games are just a gimmick anymore and don't really supply you with anything worth while other than a wasted $10.
  20. They have a few videos on YouTube if you are really curious about the performance of an OC'd 1660s vs a stock RTX 2060 card so go check them out but yeah you are still going to be short by a bit.
  21. Yeah no problem man, honestly more than ever these game subscription services as extremely worth their weight in gold since every new game is being put on to them. I only really buy games that I know I will do multiple playthroughs of and come back to. I spend like $20/month for just Xbox game pass on PC and the Ubisoft plus service also with $30/year of Origin Access and I think it has saved me sooooo much more money than just buying a $60 game and then absolutely hating it.
  22. Is this a game that you will consistently play or will you be just trying it out because my key advice in this scenario would just be getting the Ubisoft plus subscription for $15 and you get access to the new Assassins Creed and Watchdogs as well. If you don't end up liking it you can try another game and start that or just cancel your subscription and never worry about it again.
  23. Just gotta make sure sometimes, everyone is prone to small things going unnoticed lol.