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Everything posted by CatCloud

  1. Wait what? When did Minecraft get a story? You are not thinking of that tell tale game are you? or Minecraft Dungeons?
  2. Uh, Rust is not an rpg and its full on Pvp. Same with Minecraft unless you mod or something. Terraria has no story. Well, neither does the other two. Ya might want to check his list of requirements
  3. Wait... Why not Divinity: Original sin 2? Its not mmo, but it's a very good story driven game with 4 man Co op, tactical rpg, very reminiscing of a pnp rpg game. In fact it has a DM mode If you want some juicy dungeon and dragon experience. Charming music, good voice acting, fun humour And totally worth replaying. Also has mod support if you want to add more stuff for that second go.p My experience with Destiny 2: There was a story but I have no clue what happened after they came over to steam. I never finished the story I followed before and last time I played I didn't even start where I left off, nor an indication on where to go next. All I saw was a bunch of random events on the map. My experience with Fallout 76: The story is not as engaging as the older games, in fact it's mostly random audio logs here and there telling you to do something. The new update/expansion added npc that isn't just some robot. These makes thing more interesting but they are few. The game has open world pvp so someone can just shoot you if they so wish, but you can see them on the world map. Also, alot of bugs... Still. This game I swear...
  4. Well there is the Diablo series by Blizzard and that sort of top down game, like Torchlight 2 and Titan Quest Ooooor, for something more, Grim dark... there is Grim Dawn, the multiplayer is a bit finicky with some routers. Otherwise Warhammer 40k Martyr. Sadly you dont play as a Space marine or Ork. Some would say Path of Exile but i wouldn't recommend it unless you have experience with Diablo like RPG games before, played PnP Rpg or you want PTSD, also has a somewhat weak story. More towards the "normal" MMORPG direction... there are few i can remember, but they are your typical half naked bikini armor Korean nonsense games with a cheesy story. There combat is fun though: there is TERA and Blade and soul...i guess i could mention Black desert online BUT it has open world PvP after level...45? but it has alot of cool little features few other games have like farming, player driven market, deep crafting and trading stuff (caravan and such). Vindictus is one, its old so im not sure how it is these days but i played the shit out of it, its not Open world though. There is also Archage...but last i remember there was Pay to Win cash shop nonsense, they made a no cash shop version called Archage Unchained but people dont seem to like it..not sure why. some similar features to Black Desert online but its not as deep, still something. Housing and more advance/bigger farming is locked behind a Subscription sadly and the two big selling points is you can cruise around on ships, and glide around on a "kite"... Also has some PvP elements, similar to World of Warcraft with the multi faction thing going on. Two sides are at war, and also there is the Criminal Faction you can join, very PvP focused. There is also Shroud of the Avatar, this one im not sure if i would call it Action MMORPG or just the usually but it has its charm, no classes either but it dosnt hurt to specialize because it takes time to get stronger. Non of theses game are Subscription depended but some unlock benefits that might be worth looking at if you plan on sticking around for awhile.
  5. Less fantasy... That's hard since that's more or less all games unless it's a sim game or a shooter. I agree about ff14 though, it's a long, social game. If you don't mind digging up a private server, Warhammer: age of reckoning was fun, untill the game shut down... So not much choice then a private server. But again, very fantasy. Since you guys are savy oldies why not space engineers? Not an rpg or really mmo but it's a creative game with alot of fun, or Factorio as mentioned before. Hella fun. I want to suggest monster hunter world but... It's not exactly a "relaxing game" unless you are like me who finds something like that and Dark souls relaxing, fun as hell though. ... I guess Destiny 2 is an option if you don't mind a shooter. But there isn't much to do that isnt just same old same old random events after a week. Edit: if you don't mind "childish" games then TemTem could be fun, it's like Pokémon. How do you guys feel about Action RPGs? They are pretty straight forward, kill kill kill, loot loot loot so Idunno if simple gameplay liket that might get boring for ya.
  6. Most enjoyable : Vice City Least enjoyable : GTA V New lover: Saints Row series.
  7. I Wouldn't know, not seen one since early 2000 and those optimus prime looking cases. And the ps5 lacks rgbs and dragons for it to be e-sporty. On a different note, they said its customizable... Whatever that means, maybe like the xbox 360 where you can swap the outer shell, maybe it's just colors.. Time will tell.
  8. Never said otherwise, just pointed out some good games, "cartoony" or not, that probably won't be or might some year later be pc ported. Well, many are not good. They haven't exactly evolved well, most are the same visually and gameplay wise as those back on ps3. It's hard to find hidden gems like Valkyrie Chronicles among the pile of copy pasta. I know people are getting wet over blue protocol and.. Uh.. Something blue harem nonsense the game. One can hope though, till then demon souls will be my "cartoony" anime game.
  9. Dunno. Ratchet and Clank Demon souls Horizon 2 That spaceman and little girl game Stray. Are any of these coming to pc? The machine itself is.... Not my flavour.
  10. Welp, its out now... And it looks awful, sport car like. In terms of design id say xbox won with there simple tower box.
  11. Final version? please explain, there is a "ultimate" version coming later, is this that one? or is this the "normal" one? judging by its design it looks different from what ive seen from other people, its more matt while the others were glossy.
  12. naw, time was fine but its fixed now... I reinstalled windows 10 for a 3:rd time and this time i used a more updated file with the USB method. It works now, but man this is so stupid and weird....
  13. Not really no and here is a screenshot when its timed out. Dont think its Adapter related as i´ve tried both with WiFi and cable from the computer. Ill try updating bios and drivers and all that mubojumbo and se if magic happens, although its weird as hell ONE browser gets effected.... The Elder Scrolls Online.lnk
  14. Error message in Chrome : ERR_NETWOKR_CHANGED and ERR_TIMED_OUT (went from one to the other) Info: Windows 10 (yeeeep) version 1803 Edge works fine (no surprise) Fresh install on a new build, updated and thats about it. Chrome version is 72.0.3626.96 (official build) (64-bit) Right so for whatever reason Chrome wont do shit, it worked fine before i left to work and i had this issue yesterday as well, formatted and reinstalled windows 10 again and well...here i am... Works fine on android phone over WiFi, works fine on this windows 8.1 PC im on now and works fine on the Laptop with windows 10. Ive also tried reinstalling Chrome with no luck and Chrome is the default browser. Tried these things but nothing helped OH and Firefox Works...so something is wrong with Chrome or something is messing with Chrome.
  15. It doesn´t last time i checked, not heard any news they added that support. Are you having low FPS or something?
  16. 63 FPS? shouldnt your character be flying forward at that fps? something something more fps = more moving speed. Rather interesting how your experience is the completely opposite of what ive seen from others. Constant Dc, save not saving and you end up with 40 min lost progress when lost connection, enemies invisible and cant die when shot at, although you can melee them, God rays going trough hills and buildings, Textures not loading, graybox lakes/ponds/rivers (i had these two during the beta) I dont know wtf is going on but right now im sitting here with my copy of the game and ponder if i should install it or return it, might wait another week and see in witch direction the wind blows but right now it doesn't look good, for the record F4 ran sluggish but much better and seeing as this game is just the same game but on a different map, online and a handfull of minor changes...thats an odd turn.
  17. Interesting how people with older gpu´s are having a better experience then me. I have a 4960k 8 gb ram and a gtx 980 and it ran like shiiiiit. Medium made it playable but it was dancing around 25 at best, not sure if there is something wrong with my PC but boy did i have a terrible time. Aside from performance issues the game was a buggy mess. Anyone else had enemies stand around in a T pose and warping molerats?
  18. Havent been paying attention at cases these past years so im not sure whats new, good or shit. Rocking a TT Core X9 now and its ...a tad to big but at least two 420 (3x140) rad fits in it and its modular. So what im looking for is a case with a horizontal Motherboard layout or a vertical but with the I/O poking out from the top instead of the back. I want it to be as compact as possible but still have room for at LEAST 1 420 (3x140) radiator. If possible i also want it to be flexible/modular in a way. limited HDD space, i dont want one of those 8+ HDD cages that i will never fill up, max 4 is fine. windows doesnt matter dust filters Somewhat easy to work with inside. fan controller is a bonus but not a must im ok with a case that is tall, in fact that would be great Matx or ATX at max. Custom loop friendly to some extent. No price limit, so go for it. For example, the TT Tower 900 was interesting but its too big, too much dead space in it.
  19. True that, but its kinda silly that "only with the right settings" is the game good...or challenging.
  20. amatures.... What genres do you like? @JoshPJ Its easier to suggest good games if you mention genres you like or are interested to try out, this way you wont waste cash by blindly following suggestions that might just not be your cake. Also as stated above, if you have Xbox One games, some might let you get it for free on PC, i dont know how that process works (because fuck Win10) but if you do you should look it up. PUBG wont run very well even on Low on your Pc for nor would i recommend it at its current state anyways. Farcry... well anything after 2 is IMO pretty boring after the first 5 hours.. and Wildlands is actually a similar game to Facry, i would recommend Siege over it...
  21. Depends on the games but for the most part medium or low.
  22. CPU and RAM is fine, your GPU could use an upgrade IMO. It´s usually the GPU that holds one back. As for how long an upgrade will last depends what GPU you would jump to.