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  1. whatever input you have open to HDMI converter.
  2. Use a VPN. or buy another router/ internet plan and only use one wifi network for the fourm./
  3. When I go to clean it it goes away but as soon as I dry the spot the mark comes back
  4. My display is modern, 1080p freesync, its only like 2 years old. and to everyone well I used iso and the marks still are not going away, they are not scratches or anything, I cant feel any abrasion when I rub my finger over the mark.
  5. All I know is you have to be 18 to get a phone contract. But I have not seen anything about you need to be 18 to buy a phone in store or trade a phone in. If you are underage its best to bring mom or dad with you. maybe a bother or sister who is of age. I don't see why you can't. You can buy a prepaid phone in store like walmart if you are underage so Id assume you can. also this is for the USA, I am not sure where you live.
  6. Umm I do not belive they do. they are just matte finished screens, one is a $100 ASUS one and ones a $130 viewsonic monitor. Yeah I tried water and I even pushed pretty hard. I really have no idea what the stuff can be. Its like scuff marks
  7. $10-$30 lol buyt buy one of those cheap gaming mice from china if you cant spent like $50 on a real one
  8. My monitors are pretty gross. I have cleaned them a few times this month but there is spots that just wont come off with water. Its really annoying as when stuff is white I can see them pretty well. I am not sure what to use to try to clean them off. would 70% iso work?
  9. Team viewer, Skype but on skype you can just show. not control.
  10. I used to play arma 2 dayz on 17-21 FPS. I could play just fine and I was very good at the game. ever since that when I hear people say like my minimum playable frame rate is 60 I just think of them as the snobby PC people. 20,30,40,50,60 they are all playable. it just depends on the type of game you are playing. for CS:GO 20 will not cut it. but in a game like skyrim you could play at 20FPS and still be fine. but what you run your games at should be the same as what your moniter hz is. like me I run most games at 75 just becase my PC can do it and my moniter is a 75hz monitor. I could easily get 100+ FPS in most games but whats the point when my monitor refresh is only 75.
  11. I use the G502, I love it and have no reason to switch to another mouse, it has enough extra keys for me and they are in good spots. It has extra weights if you want them and I love a heavy mouse. only downside is this is my 4th one I owned, and my third I owned in a course of 1 year, The MMB break very easily if your mouse falls off your desk.
  12. yeah I looked most is overused and I don't want people to watch my video and be like oh he is copying whatever youtuber pops into their head. with me being so small little things count, people will click off or not sub due to little tiny things they do not like. I used a intro that I made on a free intro maker online and I got like 20 hate comments saying I was copying this other youtuber since I guess they used the same intro maker. my watch time on that video was probably one of my worst and I get around an area of 6min per video (videos are 8-10 min long) and that one was only like 3.4 minutes average watch time. woah man its like I never thought to google it and have not looked at site after site after site already and found zero that have anything good to offer. and if I do the good ones are like 1 min long only. its annoying for viewers to hear a 1min loop for 12 min. I was looking more for a user that has expanice in this to give me a link(s) or to tell me if paid is better than free and why (maybe even links to what paid one they recommend). But thank you for trying to be helpful. That patrick profile picture really matches your personality.