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  1. There's these programs called partition managers, there's aomei, minitool, easeus and others, they have a feature called partition recovery. Try them, everything will be back to the way they were before. It will just scan the partition records and restore them. No file will change, no corruption should occur if you haven't written anything to it already.
  2. And another suggestion, when the screw head is exposed like that shown in the picture, if you don't have the correct driver, you can try a nose pliers.
  3. Just for future reference, the software you are looking for, among many others, is: Minitool Partition Wizard, feature name: Surface Test. The software was free for home users in version 9.1.
  4. From your side of the story, it feels like the drive has been building up bad sectors for a while now, nothing chkdsk can do about that. Best to unplug it and make use of whatever life force is left in it to make that clone. As you know, if a drive generates bad sectors due to mechanical faults (like the actuator head and the disks coming too close, we don't know what caused it yet, best be safe), spinning more and more will generate more and more bad sectors.
  5. You looked up wrong then, I guess.
  6. Feels great, doesn't it? I know, I've been there.
  7. Recuva is your way to go. And if it fails go to Eassos Partition Guru.
  8. Your question is not that clear. Do you not want to have two windows? Do you want to remove partition or keep data?
  9. There's a better solution for windows. There's a tool called dism++. Get it. Then backup one windows and then you can apply it to another partition the same as before. No hassle.
  10. Did you only transfer or format that drive from within linux as well?
  11. I have kind of the same thing, only with one cable, so I know it's possible with just one.