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Everything posted by ItsComrade

  1. Hey guys. I was just wondering how many other people here have one of the military ships in Star Citizen. I'm the proud owner of an F7C-M, but CCU it to a Gladiator for fun with a missile boat. These are my absolute FAVORITE ships announced / flyable so far. What are your thoughts?
  2. I don't really agree. MKB is VERY competitive. In fact, the top dogfighters in the world almost all use mouse and keyboard.
  3. I have one. It's a very comfortable size. It fits my G1 970 well, although I took out all but the one drive bay I'm using.
  4. I would guess around $500, like most other people are saying.
  5. Pedals are important with the Warthog stick because it doesn't have a twist included. Most sticks have an input with a twist of the stick, but the Warthog does not.
  6. The second. I'm a big fan of material design, and keeping it familiar to other software is always good.
  7. I've never heard of registered memory before. I learned something new today! Thanks!
  8. That's not what I meant. I meant, exactly how would I write the equation to put into a graphing calculator. Someone else solved it already, though.
  9. I've never had any luck with that program. Sometimes stuff looks way worse than it should, and others it wants me to crank to absolute ultra. Normally I just guess and check.
  10. Yeah but how would I write that in an equation?
  11. @Hasleo I think that only works for linear functions.
  12. I'm just trying to figure out how to make a function for this...
  13. Why the hell are you posting here then. About Dota nonetheless.
  14. I'm in love with the S340. I wish they made one with the high build quality of the H440 but with the shape of the S340.
  15. Nvidia has been two steps ahead of AMD for years. If AMD was still producing relevant cards, Nvidia would release stuff earlier. Competition is good for everyone.
  16. LED's draw almost no power. 600W is more than enough. If you put this into www.pcpartpicker.com it should give you a rough wattage estimate.
  17. Dude, you need to work on your grammar. This post is illegible. Anyway, the only way to get better is to practice. Those guys got to be professional players at the game by playing all the time, 10+ hours per day. In fact, the fact that they had to switch from Dota to Dota 2 was almost a disadvantage, having to relearn some things. If you practice all of the time, you will certainly become a better player. There's no reason you can't be as good as them since you never played Dota 1.
  18. What are you doing that needs four 980ti's?