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Everything posted by -BirdiE-

  1. CPUs - Intel GPUs - ASUS ROG RAM - Corsair Dominator Coolers - Custom Water Loop (or Corsair AIO) Mobos - ASUS ROG (or TUF) Cases - Corsair... So simple yet classy PSUs - Any of the major brands... depends on the price (CM, EVGA, Corsair, etc.) SSD - I guess Samsung Pro/Evo since that's what I have and they seem to work well Fnas - Noisblocker/Phobya NB-eLoop Ultra Silent Bionic Fan... By far the most amazing fan on the market for both AF and SP.
  2. Bought a Saitek x52 Pro thinking I'd use it for flight sims.... used it about 3 times, and then never touched it again for a year before I sold it...
  3. Noisblocker/Phobya NB-eLoop Ultra Silent Bionic Fan.... AMAZING AF and SP fan....
  4. I don't like the fact that the pins aren't protected on the 2nd one.
  5. Couple of things, You don't need to do push/pull on an H100i if you have those Corsair SP fans, and do not use SP fans for unrestricted air flow.. they won't be any good. Go with the corsair AF series for unrestricted air flow. As people have said, go with a newer card. I'd suggest a GTX 780. R9 290 is decent, but too expensive now IMO. I say you keep the 750W PSU. It really isn't that much of a jump in price from something like a 550W to a 750W. Then you won't have to worry if you add a bunch more components. Everything else looks good. You're going to love the K70 and M65.
  6. Geez. Much bigger price difference there than here. Here being Canada.
  7. I'm guessing that 2 x R9 290 would be your best bet. I don't think 3GB video memory would be enough for a triple monitor setup. (Remember, 2 3GB cards in SLI does not equal 6GB memory total as the memory is mirrored.)
  8. From what I've heard, by far the best solution is spend less on the CPU and get a video capture card... That way streaming won't cut into your FPS.
  9. 80% cost increase? You might want to check your numbers... I got my 780Ti for $700, and the cheapest you're going to find a 780 for is $530. That's a 32% increase... In order for it to be an 80% increase, the 780 Ti would need to be $954. I don't know about the stores around you.. but that's not how much they charge for a 780 Ti here.
  10. To all those saying the card is ugly; If you buy this card and keep the stock cooler on, you have wasted your money. If you're going to air cool, just buy a reference or a regular Classified. I'm glad they didn't put some extravagant, expensive cooler on it since I'm just going to take it off and throw on a waterblock.