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  1. The keyboard of course my " w" key is broken on my razer keyboard (cough cough "15m" keystrokes) so i have to copy and paste lol sad but funny i know.
  2. sounds great. is it time to upgrade from a flip-phone yet? lol
  3. uhm linus, for the adblock video for you to watch it it has to be on the adblock page itself. it looks like they made an update thats why you couldn't go to it last time.
  4. i have this app that came with my asus tablet called myLibrary if im not mistaken. i cant find it on the playstore so it might only be for asus but try searching for myLibrary maybe they have something similar
  5. awww that red and black i wantz it and i wantz it now.. good work though .. that looks awesome in my eyes, i have to learn how to do this stuff. Epic just epic keep it up
  6. one of the orcs said "oh no you didn't" made me lol
  7. i would recommend books books all the way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list there you have a list of them from beginner to advance
  8. and who is this rihana is she a gamer or something?
  9. what about the razer thing linus and slick have been talking about for a while? havent used it yet though
  10. it feels a bit like... modern classical, good job keep it up. nothing wrong with it being modern classical btw, just the feeling i got from the song.
  11. 15mb down for 67 bucks a month comcast or xfinity w.e the name is now... still wayyy too expensive
  12. uhm forget the add on it comes with chrome by itself any way this is what ive been able to find "When you click in Metro IE10's address bar to start entering a URL, coloured tiles showing your frequently visited and pinned sites pop up above it. Once you start entering characters, popular site suggestions pop up in smaller blue tiles. One convenience that certainly warms the cockles of my heart, which Microsoft has finally included in a browser, is Paste and Go. This saves you a click every time you enter a URL from the clipboard, but unfortunately, it's only in the Metro version, not the desktop one. source http://www.itproportal.com/2012/07/30/internet-explorer-10-analysed-and-benchmarked " ill keep on looking around to see if i find something.
  13. you scared me there for a second i tought you were using vista .. ill do my research into this. ok so there seems to be an add on for chrome but as far as IE goes no luck at all .. never done any web related programming ok maybe a few sql related things but i wouldnt even include it as web related, ill keep on doing some research and see what shows up.