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  1. TH3R34P3R


    stop this luke. im not even at 1k yet... 


    (in part because im only on here when not at home... at home its seeing how long my PC will go before it blows up)

  2. LukeSavenije


    @TH3R34P3R I just do it when I'm bored... and I'm too much bored

  3. TH3R34P3R


    and as a way to remember this very brief milestone (you'll be at 9k before the month is over...) go out and get yourself an 8k monitor. 1 post per horizontal pixel. 

  4. LukeSavenije


    officially that would be incorrect


    and exept if you pay for it I won't be able to get it... those are too expensive for me

  5. TH3R34P3R


    lol they are out of my budget too i dont have the luxury of spending more on my monitor than i spent on my desktop. and yeah i know, monitors and their resolutions are no longer accurate. they lie to us. 

  6. Tristerin


    1600x900 Master Race for Life (see also; cant afford this)

  7. LukeSavenije


    @WikiForce it just fitted so well


    @Tristerin nah, I'm in the 1080pmr
