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  1. Scroll down. I know memory is expensive af right now. With price trends moving up, I cant hold off building based on that alone. And as Imbellis said, buying used can be sketchy so I'm not looking to go down that road.
  2. Oh man, I didn't even think about them being out of stock. RIP me I guess lol. I'm running a 670 right now. So I definitely need an upgrade. Looking for 1440p gaming for sure. I know the 1080 kills it in most games which makes me want to build right now but I figured I'd ask what other's opinions were. Thank everyone for the quick replies. I might actually be forced to wait because the out of stock 8th gen i7s.
  3. Hello! First time posting in years, it's good to be back! Anyways, I'm looking to build a computer to replace my current one. I am flexible as to when I build it. What I'm wondering is should I just build now with the GTX 1080ti or wait until the newest GPUs release (my guess is that they will release some time this spring) Thanks for the advice!
  4. Does this mean people could download without the need for a VPN? Or could ISP's or people monitoring clusters still find out who you are?
  5. It annoys me too when companies say "Oh we lost X amount of dollars due to pirating." Those who pirate likely never would have bought the movie in the first place. They didn't -lose- money. Also, it's fucking hilarious that internet pirates get several years in jail, while those charged with manslaughter or attempted murder get off with a slap on the wrist or probation.
  6. You do know that Robin Williams played WoW right? No way this is a way to gain more subscribers. Do you know how many tribute NPCs there are in the game?
  7. What is that racewheel? Do you have pedals? I've been looking to get into race sims and saw your build and noticed the wheel. Awesome settup btw.
  8. I just got these and so far I enjoy them a lot. http://www.amazon.com/Razer-Kraken-Surround-Gaming-Headset/dp/B00EPAVKP0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408064626&sr=8-1&keywords=razer+kraken+7.1
  9. How the hell? I got a business line from Charter and I only get 64 down and 4 up... :'( I want your internet right nao!!!
  10. I also don't name my computers until the build is complete and I run my burn-ins.... Because my luck they will blow up if I name em beforehand... It's a superstition I have, much like why people don't put on the side panel until they know their system posts.
  11. 1. Shadow of the Colossus 2. Vanilla WoW though Cata (I hated MOP, we will see about WOD) 3. Elder scrolls 4. Far Cry 3 5. Minecraft 6. Crysis 3 7. Lord of the rings online (back before it was free to play) 8. Halo 3 (online / forge) 9. Darkfall Unholy Wars. 10. CoD 4 Not really in any order aside from Shadow of the colossus. Best game ever!
  12. Think of something you like, a color, object, phrase, etc. and translate to Latin or Greek. Lol. Seriously though, take a name from something historic, Greek mythology, a fantasy world/language (ie. Elvish). be creative!