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Everything posted by PurpleCodes

  1. AOI because they look better than Air coolers and have less clutter and 550 W is good but if he wanted to add 1 more he would hvae to upgrade is PSU EDIT: i guess you could go with a h60 AIO aswell
  2. You could get a computer that does everything you need for less than 1000$ but thats up to you
  3. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ktgbYr You could swap out the AOI Cooler for an air cooler but thats up to u then pick up cables from here https://cablemod.com/product-category/basic-cable-kits/
  4. i have 16gb of ram and crhome is almost maxing it out why https://gyazo.com/7f8a0fc60b5d81b6e39ed34f419811d1
  5. However the Helios 300 by acer does out preform this and the 1060 in the acer i think is a big bonus i have looked at the dell inspiron but im not really lovin it that much and i dont think it will like 4 years
  6. I have been doing some research today on a new laptop for my daily driver and i was wondering what the LTT community has to say. I am currently looking at the helios 300 but i was wondering if there were any other laptop to be the Performance of it Musts: SSD for boot 16gb Ram (8 If other parts excel) GTX 1050ti + Uneeded: Big Battery Fancy Screen Lightweight I do some minor video editing and some gaming GTA R6S ect Large storage is not needed because i have lots of external ssds that i love to use but usb type c / thunderbolt 3 is also a plus. 1000ish $ range not looking to go over 1100 unless something spectacular
  7. only thing wrong with the sager is the 8gb ram and lack of an ssd
  8. I was making this for me my budget is a bit lower than yours but here it is if you want https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kR2IM3glKjnZ2vAFP_342YJwx4UfhqKPm8ZUBpzmE1Q/edit?usp=sharing
  9. From the little reviews that i have seen on youtube i have heard it does run fairly quiet and thermals are fine however i do agree that the batter could be increased seeing that its only a 3200 mah. Where are you getting your information about bad thermals from? I do think this is a good laptop for the price anyway
  10. What are you guys thoughts on the new Acer Predator Helios 300 Gaming Laptop with a gtx 1060 for about 1000$
  11. BOOM https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA7364D85003&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-HI+-+LED+Light+Bulbs-_-9SIA7364D85003&gclid=CjwKEAjw-LLKBRCdhqmwtYmX93kSJAAORDM6C-2qww6HxgPtRMXSy34DiakSzSpHif-huqSafidSoBoCejDw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-6519/Duct-Tape/Uline-Economy-Duct-Tape-2-x-60-yards-Silver?pricode=WB0846&gadtype=pla&id=S-6519&gclid=CjwKEAjw-LLKBRCdhqmwtYmX93kSJAAORDM66gUw8ITgIX3sjTkdMBLslWfeVw7q8AfNpEu4cUzrHhoCfOjw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.amazon.com/Cancelling-Wireless-Bluetooth-Over-ear-Headphones/dp/B019U00D7K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498255652&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=headphones&psc=1
  12. Thought this was funny https://gyazo.com/ff294ddcff2f61361e75b55155ab961d
  13. 1. Looking for prime shipping 2. sometimes laptops are cheaper on amazon for example the Acer VX 15 is 50$ cheaper on amazon with 2day shipping
  14. Could someone help me find this computer on Amazon I have tried for that past 30 mins and its hard because there is no model number http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/productdetails/inspiron-15-7567-laptop/dncwf510s
  15. This is a good ssd for a budget build: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820173150
  16. my mistake i did not see the cpu i thought it was a quadcore for some reason
  17. Ye i would get an ssd and a better graphics card and if it supports ddr4 upgrade that aswell to 8 or 16 gbs
  18. Get a used Dell Desktop from craiglist or ebay and put in a 1060 or a 1050ti graphics card and your set also it will be a bit harder to use cpu intensive tasks because you will be risking that lower end cpu
  19. Well if your on a budget on 600$ which is around your pcpartpicker total you could get an old dell and put in a new graphics card for fairly cheap
  20. What are you planning to use this for because i think the ryzen may be a bit over kill and getting an i5 or something may be a bit better
  21. Could you send a picture of you JFP1 slot aswell as the manual from the case or motherboard on how to correctly plug it in
  22. 1. Make sure you flip PSU switch 2. Make sure your wires in you case that connects to the buttons are correctly installed refer to the manual EDIT: if there is a button on your motherboard to turn it on try that aswell