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Everything posted by jaysangwan32

  1. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823816076&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Gaming+Keyboard-_-N82E16823816076&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1NS8suSM1gIVCVYNCh1qQgq7EAQYAyABEgKqafD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Corsair is pretty notable, I personally like this one (a friend of mine has it). Mechanical keyboards with the same switches are going to be about the same. especially from notable companies. Shouldn't really make a huge difference unless you need niche things (RGB, Macros, USB Passthrough, etc).
  2. No significant difference, they're basically the same chip with different speeds. As above stated, 1700x for every little bit of performance, but a solid OC on the 1700 would do the job almost identically.
  3. Pascal based cards are all pretty good overclockers, but it's all silicon lottery. Your card could be amazing, or it could not be. As for time cost, it depends what you wanna invest. If you want to spend days to make sure you dial in that perfect overclock, you can. If you wanna run one stress test I'd leave atleast an hour.
  4. If you CAN wait for Volta there's no harm in it. If your 7950 is delivering performance that you're comfortable with, and you can wait circa a year, the wait. However, if you need to upgrade, Vega 56 isn't exactly on par with the 1070 but if it's cheaper, it's a fine buy. It's performing pretty well on more practical tasks and mining if those are your things too. A used 980ti with a good OC will be a good bet also, keeping in mind it'll probably retain value better than a 1070 when Volta drops, you'll get resell. If I was in your situation, I would wait a little until you can afford a 1080 or 1080ti. If Volta releases around the time then great, you can buy the higher end volta card. Otherwise, you're still left with a card that can CRUSH the titles you play and many like it well into the future. Hope this was helpful.
  5. Honestly most ASUS or ASRock boards are solid offerings with minor points to each such as WIFI (if that's important to you) or form factor. Only thing to consider is, personally, I would stay away from most Gigabyte and MSI AM4 boards-- they have a bad reputation for poor VRMs.
  6. Of course! If you want future proofing, definitely look into fitting a 1080 or even 1080ti in your PC. Either way, you're build will be fine for a little while. I've been gaming on a gtx 760 for a few years and I'm only really feeling it now. Glad I could help!
  7. 1440p 144hz needs a 1080ti on AAA titles. Definitely a good buy IMO.
  8. A few things I would note. It's not inherently BAD but I would personally change a few things. 1) Why pair a B250 with the 7700k? If you're getting a 7700k, you're going to be drawing A LOT of power and could even consider SLI in the future, not to mention higher overclocks with better VRMS. Go with a Z270. If that's too expensive, go with the R7 or R5. 2) The 7700k is basically a toaster. I definitely would get a beefier cooler with that. Something with a 240 or 280 rad atleast if you want an AIO. 3) Don't know much about that HDD manufacturer, but I would personally go with a more conventional brand like Seagate or WD for ease of mind. 4) DEFINITELY go with a higher watt power supply. I would say 600 atleast but would get 750 for ease of mind. You're cutting it really close with that wattage and you can forget about OCing if you go with that. More of an opinion/optional so take with a grain of salt but: 1) Why get a 7700k so close to Coffee Lake release? Not a terrible pick for pure gaming but, if you can wait, its worth checking out 2) Why RGB ram with no RGB components? You've committed to the red color scheme with the MOBO, so why RGB fans and ram? 3) Why two different types of fans? Those will most likely clash together in the same build. Hope this is useful!
  9. That's the thing, as the article stated: While this may not be significant as of now, this could be problematic for the Yuan if not kept in check. This would 'justify' some of the crackdowns on mining and ICOs.
  10. Unless you need to squeeze every last frame out of an e-sports title, go with an R7 1700 or R5 1600. That way, you can afford to add a 1080 (and without the NVME drive maybe even a 1080ti). As for the original question, that build should be able to drive solid, consistent 1080p 144hz/ maybe 1440p 60hz on the most demanding, AAA titles and PUBG, but a 1070-1080 or 1070-1080ti would be a bigger improvement than the downgrade from 7700k to 1600 or 1700 (if you can call the 1700 a downgrade at all). If you can, wait for coffee lake as well. Hope this helps!
  11. Thank you for the clarification I actually didn't know about the illegality of mining. I believe someone had before explained currency controls which keeps the Yuan's value. How do you think this will affect the values of these crypto-currencies, if at all?
  12. Exactly, I highly doubt the government will allow businesses to suffer and reductions in taxation. If these grow significantly, China will be forced to make regulations such that they can retain economic stature and retain Yuan value.
  13. If you can wait, wait. Worst comes to worst, prices aren't that different but if they do come down and you buy now, you'll probably be mad at yourself later. But you're right, chances are prices won't come down a CRAZY amount, but wait if you can just in case. Hope this helps!
  14. Hey guys, This is probably a really beginner question, but why do high core count CPUs have low base clocks. I would imagine a high core count CPU (like a xeon) with the clock of something like a 7700k would be a beast. I know the 7900x and 7920x have higher clock speeds than a xeon, but even they have base clocks below 4 ghz. Are thermals and power the main considerations as to why this is the case? Thanks for the help!
  15. Do you have a bad overclock? Otherwise, sounds like a PSU issue like you thought. Hope this helps!
  16. Current miners could very well be affected if prices stabilize low enough. To the best of my understanding, profit from mining is primarily generated from raising more through mining than it costs to power the system doing it. If current miners (especially home miners) are running at low enough profit margins, many may be in deficit if the prices stabilize lower, causing many to stop mining and resulting a re-saturation of the graphics card market. Again, this is purely speculative, and assuming prices even fall significantly.
  17. If my interpretation is correct, this document bans businesses from doing business through ICOs. While my understanding of Chinese corporation-politics is not that good, I have to imagine that auditing of businesses must occur and, thus, generating money through ICOs would be much more difficult now. Additionally, some ICO platforms are halting their services, which could set precedent for others to do so as well.
  18. Did you do any stability/stress testing? If 1.3 is too high, maybe find a middle ground between stock and 1.3. Personally, I do not own a 1700x but, as long as you're passing stability tests and stress tests, it should be okay.
  19. China has today banned startup companies from raising public funds via ICO currencies due to potential for fraudulent business practices. This is being held accountable for the 5% drop in Bitcoin and over 12% drop in Ethereum ICOs have been a primary source of fundraising in China. Personal input: I can't say for certain what this means, as many countries have made moves to at least regulate ICOs in the past for similar reasons (fraudulent fundraising, money laundering, etc). However, with one of the allures of cryptocurrencies being foreign trading, this decline in currency prices could continue. Subsequently, this decline could contribute to a normalization of graphics card pricing, a positive for many of us looking to upgrade or build new computers. While there is no indication whether or not China will relax this ban into the future or if it will stay, it may be wise to continue to look at how these currencies' prices fluctuate as a result. My understanding of ICOs and blockchain currencies is fairly rudimentary. If someone with more knowledge as to the politics and technologies of cryptocurrencies could speak to what this means, I would greatly appreciate it. Original article: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/04/chinese-icos-china-bans-fundraising-through-initial-coin-offerings-report-says.html
  20. I would presume the graphics card is the problem. I am currently running a 760 in my machine and benchmarks like 3DMark and Valley freeze and sometimes even crash. While this is the case many games, even new games like PUBG, will run (albeit at the lowest settings). I presume age of the graphics card is the issue, as many of these benchmarks are made to be taxing on even the newest equipment. Hope this helps!
  21. 1070 is for 1440p but driving more demanding games 1440p 144hz requires a 1080 or 1080ti. That being said, a 1070 would probably be a better option, as it would open the door for you to play games at higher frame rates with better settings. Since the 1070 beats the 1060 in almost every way, I would buy the 1070 unless a 1060 is more suitable for your budget. Hope this helps!
  22. R3 1200 + ASRock b350 Pro4 probably would be better because of the upgrade path and four physical cores Price: $183.86 (PCPartPicker)
  23. Oops! Must've missed that post my bad! Yeah then 7700k seems like a solid pick! Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  24. For a solid 1440p 144hz experience, you really want a 1080 or even 1080ti for the more demanding, AAA titles. However, if you're gaming at lower than ultra settings the Fury X should be fine; however, if you can find a 980ti or 1070 for the price that will probably be better. Hope this helped!