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access denied

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About access denied

  • Birthday Feb 15, 1997

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  1. I would't recommend buying a used console if it seems damaged... You wouldn't wanna have a console that doesn't work at all if you're trying to save $60
  2. R3s are gonna have to compete with i3s and the G4560 to stay competitive imo
  3. Millions of idiots do get tricked. The new apple stuff is basically pure nonsense...
  4. I am late again, sorry. And did you check the Motherboard? It probably isn't a cooler issue as you said it worked in other PCs... The fan headers on the Motherboard are probably damaged...
  5. They are designed to give you comfort for long hours of gaming. At first, they might be a bit uncomfortable. I don't really think they are worth the price but if you are a gamer that sits for hours and plays, then you should check 'em out.
  6. And are you sure there aren't any leaks / stuff stuck inside the pipes? That isn't the issue now.
  7. I have an i5-6500 and 1070 now. Don't remember first PC though.
  8. Shoebox (Sarcasm) and http://pcpartpicker.com/product/FvKhP6/xion-case-xon310bk Cheapest I could find. If money isn't an issue, Let me know!
  9. It will show you better performance than a G4560 in CPU intensive apps (Cinebench and Video Rendering) and games (GTA V and Fallout 4). You said private use in bedroom which is an HTPC so you will be fine with that CPU as it is extremely capable. I assume you are going to use it as a media playback system...
  10. There is The Walking Dead Season 1, 2 and 3 and I know they are not open world games but I can guarantee you are going to love it (If you are going to play them, play them accordingly as you might get messed up in the story). I cried at the end of Season 1. And about the open world games, check out this video, there are some interesting games here.
  11. It won't be same, even if it has 2 core 4 threads. The i7 has way more cache (3 MB on G4560 and 8 MB on i7-2600k). The results won't be the same but it would give you kinda similar results though (Kind of).
  12. Did you restart the HDD? Basic question so...... I may sound stupid.