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Everything posted by Apextier

  1. Oh I didn't know jetbrains released a .NET IDE that's pretty neat. If floobits works in Rider then that might be the solution to OP's problem.
  2. Like this? @echo off set startDIR="%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" echo "Moving %0 to the %startDIR%" copy %0 %startDIR% pause
  3. It's really based on how you use them. In most states having a set in possession is perfectly legal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock_picking#United_States
  4. @CHILDISH_K1LL3R There are a few things you could try. Clear the cache in ~/Library/Caches/com.spotify.* and log out and back in, see if that rectifies the problem. You can see what the config is set to for auto log by running the following command. If all else fails just nuke the "~/Library/Application Support/Spotify" directory. cat "~/Library/Application Support/Spotify/prefs" There should be a line that says app.autostart-configured=<true/false> which should be changing when you set the preference from within the Spotify app.
  5. Seems to work fine for me with the same setup as you. Did you run this to setup the theme?
  6. What language are you using for the backend? If you don't plan on using a backend and strictly want to do this client side you'd want to look at the HTML5 file API. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_files_from_web_applications
  7. Looks to me like @HeaterUp is using C# but this is only a speculation. edit: Since this thread is tagged with C++ I think it's safe to say C++ is the language.