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Everything posted by xAcid9

  1. Ryzen 5-2600 single thread performance is not that great for gaming imo, it similar to 10 years old i7-4770k.
  2. Some Origin games have authorization limit. Try download the de-authorize tool. http://activate.ea.com/deauthorize/deauthtool/DeAuthManagementTool.exe https://activate.ea.com/deauthorize/
  3. Here's to another 1000 page ... maybe in the next few days!
  4. I'll be good because you can pre-order Starfield DLC before the base game even release. That's how confident they're.
  5. Download the latest Win10 ISO, mount it and do a repair install/upgrade. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO
  6. Can you use Pascal's RTGI shader with vkBasalt now? I recalled a lot of shaders didn't work with vkBasalt so I stick with Reshade. ProtonUp-Qt - Mainly to manage custom Proton/DXVK/Wine for Steam/Lutris
  7. Ho Lee Fuk. These bring back so many bittersweet memories.
  8. This. Press Ctrl+F in Msi Afterburner.
  9. Get Intel ARC and help them improve their driver.
  10. Try use HWiNFO or GPU-Z and see if the gpu Hotspot sensor is available. Also check PerfCapReason in GPU-Z.
  11. Not so much. I'm all on board to relive the experience of 1st time playing Skyrim but I'm not in rush. I don't really care if I play it few months or years later.
  12. IINM, you can right click on the Taskbar and disable the thingy there.
  13. IIRC, FSR2 have more performance overhead compare to FSR1, if that overhead hit your CPU limit then you'll get lower performance compare to FSR1. What is your system spec?
  14. Someone probably gained access to your Steam Login Token and changed everything. Maybe it something you installed recently, or clicked recently in Discord or phishing website. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/0a94-f308-34a5-1988
  15. Lutris for me. Many times I couldn't get Bottles to work properly.