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THE RESULTS ARE IN for the @techstorm970 Steam Game Poll!!!




Questions 1 and 2 weren't even close!  Cuphead and The Binding of Isaac both received 80% of the vote.




Technically, Terraria had 13 votes because @themctipers only voted on Question 3 and did so through a reply to a status update.  This only increases Terraria's margin of victory, though, and doesn't really change the fact that this vote was much closer than the ones for Questions 1 and 2.



40% of voters said that none of these more expensive games were worth ditching the natively cheaper one(s) for.  This is a high percentage, but so is the 60% that said that they would ditch the other games for one of these in the event of a sale.


Also, Press F to pay respects to Redout, which ended up being the Cleveland Browns of this poll with 0 votes.



Danganronpa 1

Gang Beasts


Universe Sandbox 2


Tales of Berseria




The Binding of Isaac


Kerbal Space Program (if it goes on sale)


VOTER'S CHOICE FINALISTS (games that weren't listed, but were recommended by voters)

Plague Inc. ($15, recommended by @silentprototipe)

They Are Billions (if it goes on sale, recommended by @Crunchy Dragon)


WILD CARD FINALISTS (conditional advancement based on voters' comments)

Divinity: OS2 (if it goes on sale; CONDITION: lost to Kerbal, but only by a small margin, and it received lots of praise in the comments)

To the Moon (CONDITION: lost to Terraria, but still received a lot of votes, and so it gets to be a co-finalist as a part of a $20 bundle with Terraria; also, according to @Razor02097, I "couldn't go wrong with To the Moon or Terraria", and @Snapperx praised it)



Tomorrow, I will create and post a new poll for the Steam Games Finals.  Depending on voter turnout, the winning game will be announced either tomorrow night or Sunday, barring any ties.


  1. iamdarkyoshi


    I vote portal stories mel


    Its a fangame which essentially makes the portal series a trio


    And its freaking free

  2. Techstorm970


    @iamdarkyoshi I already have it from the first time you recommended it. :P

  3. NoRomanBatmansAllowed


    I can second @Crunchy Dragon's recommendation. 


    Would recommend.
