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I have allergies and I went running yesterday and a stupid insect flew into my eye AND NOW ITS ALL RED AND EVERYTHING ITCHES AND I FUCKING HATE IT

  1. imreloadin


    I wouldn't chalk that up to allergies, I'd chalk it up to having foreign matter in the eye. Even if you got the insect out their wings sometimes have like powder and stuff on them which can cause lingering irritation.

  2. captain_to_fire


    I think the allergy made the eye irritation worse imo. If antihistamines fail, there's always corticosteroids but only for a few days. I hope you get that checked out.

  3. Nicnac


    @imreloadin you are right but the allergies make it 100x worse

    @captain_to_fire I'm taking a 2nd gen antihistamine like every spring and it helps but only so much... I'm using eye drops rn which I still had from when this happened to me last year (also while jogging lol) and It's already getting better :)

  4. captain_to_fire


    Have you considered desensitization immunotherapy? It often has mixed results for some allergens but many swears its effectiveness for some food allergies. I'm not sure if non-standard treatments like that are covered by medical insurance both gov't or private.


    I gotta say though the best antihistamine is Benadryl [Diphenhydramine] but it's only useful at nighttime so my doctor switched me to 2nd gen as well. Claritin doesn't seem to work well for me. 

  5. Nicnac


    I'm using Ceterizin I have thought about trying hyposensitization but never really got around doing it...

  6. imreloadin



    I gotta say though the best antihistamine is Benadryl [Diphenhydramine] but it's only useful at nighttime

    @captain_to_fire diphenhydramine is beneficial during the day as well, it'll just make you sleepy sometimes. Another lesser known fact about Diphenhydramine is that is also the active ingredient in a lot of sleep aids. Unisom capsules for instance contain as much diphenhyramine as two Benadryl tablets. I used to be addicted to them and would take 4 of the generic Unisom capsules (which is the equivalent of 8 Benadryl) every night. Another even lesser known fact than that is that you will trip balls (not in a good way fyi) if you take too much Diphenhyrdamine. Since I took 4 every night I would sometimes forget that I took them and take them again (this brought my total Benadryl count up to 16 xD) ...you start hearing weird shit and auditory hallucinations are NOT fun...
