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Brian McKee

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Everything posted by Brian McKee

  1. Or it can be horribly ineffective. That's the thing about official designations like N95, it creates an expectation in the buyer. If they never claimed anything no one would care how it performs, but they did so someone buying it could conceivably expect a baseline level of protection from certain hazards when it could not do anything.
  2. Parks can be liable for things. Is there proper lighting? Is park equipment maintained such as children's playgrounds/benches/etc...?
  3. It's not that high for a camera overall though. A high throughput photographer can do that in a year. I've seen some 5d line cameras and equiv in other brands get up to 800k-1 million shutter actuations.
  4. You should always have some visual cues in video to line up audio. Even with good software/hardware solutions, sometimes you have to line it up by hand.
  5. A better project is refurbing a really old computer into a daily-able office system and donating it. Even stuff from the Core 2 era is very capable. In my opinion refurbishing for "profit" really isn't a thing with regular computers since the barrier to entry is just so low. It can kind of exist for laptops and individual components like GPUs/CPUs but you need to be able to accept loss and have some skills.
  6. My mid 2007 macbook can boot from USB and can install windows just fine... Personally I recommend Linux for these machines since, while the CPU is 64 bit compliant, the UEFI is not. You would need to use a 32 bit version of windows 10, while you can use a special version of Linux to install a 64 bit OS. Plus you can use a light desktop environment like XFCE to get more performance out of it. If you're trying to boot from USB make sure you're using a usb stick that's usb 2.0. https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Apple/MacBook/2-1
  7. It will yes, but not for free. Anyways for the thread. I've already been switching more and more of my workflow to Linux. I'll utilize VMs for anything that doesn't work.
  8. In a small room without AC and an inefficient PS it sure can be lol. I had lower power equipment and it became unbearable.
  9. On top of throwing away things, simply organizing your stuff can help a lot. Proper labeling and storage goes a long way. I don't know how much stuff you have but this is always worth doing even if you do end up throwing away some stuff.
  10. No, I made a quality comparison. Sapphire makes better products. They are both GPUs. The 7800xt and 4070 super for a lot of people are otherwise comparable products. I'm not continuing this asinine discussion, you're making a mountain of an ant hill. Just feel free to disagree with me.
  11. I mean, this is generally why I suggest a Debian flavor for basically anyone looking to "try" Linux. It's very stable and will just continue to work. Ubuntu, Mint, Vanilla Debian, Kubuntu (Ubuntu with KDE). Ubuntu/Kubuntu especially are just very complete and refined experiences. I've never been a distro hopper. I picked stable cause I got work to do and haven't regretted it. But yeah, Linux isn't for everyone and that's fine. But I implore people who can use it DO use it. The more market share that Linux gets the more software parity that will be achieved, making it possible for more people to switch over.
  12. 7000 series is "fine" from what I've seen. It's still a couple generations behind nvidia and quicksync, but it'd be fine for personal footage or streaming, especially if you can afford to bump up the bitrate a bit.
  13. Why do you keep bringing up the 390x like the TDP on that card was unreasonable? lol. But yah I would, personally I value longevity of my products and have seen enough dead trash nvidia cards.
  14. Man the Nano was a cool flop. Was barely useful for itx builds when it was relevant lol. Still wanted one though.
  15. It's not just coolers, it's board design. Sapphire just builds better cards than low tier nvidia AIBs. And even with reference PCBs AMD cards have substantially better reference designs than Nvidia these days. And no, founders edition cards are -not- reference.
  16. Best part about 12th gen intel to me is how good quicksync is while being very competitive in general cpu performance. I see absolutely no point in buying an intel cpu without an igpu. The encoding is so good on it I can record and stream 4k footage without it even breaking a sweat, with quality that meets or exceeds my 3070.
  17. Almost like he was wanting to switch to a 7800xt by sapphire.
  18. Switch the CPU to one with quicksync and use that to offload to OBS. Much more power efficient and less conflict with drivers. 10th gen intel quicksync will absolutely cream the encoding quality on your ancient 1050.
  19. This is GPU repadding. Usually for VRMs and such.
  20. It is extremely important. Too thick and you risk damaging components due to higher pressure, too thin and you're not making contact. This is why I usually use K5 pro if I can not accurately determine pad thickness for a device or find proper pads.
  21. This is probably a frame pacing issue. I'd look into potential fixes since there's often not a universal fix for every configuration.
  22. For what it's worth, Sapphire makes better GPUs than Inno3D does. I'd switch for that alone. A lot of cheap nvidia AIBs are just truly awful. I pretty much swap from AMD to Nvidia to AMD, etc... each upgrade cycle. Currently I'm on the 6800 and I really enjoy it.
  23. Megapixels are a scam and mean next to nothing. Quality of pixels >>>>> Amount of them. A large format digital camera shooting at 12 megapixels will trounce any smaller sensor camera due to the sheer size of each photosite. More pixels = smaller photosites. Smaller photosites = less light per pixel. Less light per pixel = worse signal to noise ratio. Plus this is not even mentioning the optics you would need to take advantage of such high pixel counts. The higher the pixel density the more difficult it will be to make use of the resolution and actually glean more information from a photo. You'd need extremely expensive and well corrected optics to make use of such large pixel counts.
  24. My opinion is that any camera made by a major brand in the last 12 years is good enough for pro level photography if you have the skills/patience. So if you like it, you like it.