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Everything posted by RH00D

  1. They do "mean shit". Your source for that originated from a pro-Russian propaganda website. Ars Technica did an actual investigation and when settings were turned off it sent next to nothing, it sent a thing here or there but it was useless info. But go ahead, believe pro-Russian propaganda websites if that's your thing. I don't even know why I reply to you anymore. You don't care about facts, you just look for any justification, true or not, to rip on Microsoft and/or Apple.
  2. Migrating remaining legacy options to the newer implementation = less control. ok.
  3. If Microsoft "needed" money they wouldn't be trying to extract it out of the phone division I can promise you that. They likely aren't allowing it on the lower spec'd phone because the specs aren't good enough for a satisfactory experience. Remember that when its driving the external monitor with apps on it, the phone is still fully functional as a standalone experience meaning, taking calls and running apps on the phone screen, etc. separately from what is happening on the external monitor with the keyboard and mouse.
  4. It'd be weird if they didn't at least make a passing mention of Windows 10 at a Windows 10 hardware event. There is still a lot more about Windows 10 they didn't even mention like the upcoming Threshold 2 update which is supposed to be the first big big update since release and is rumored to come in November.
  5. It is well known that Linus Torvalds is a complete asshole even to fellow kernel devs so I'm not surprised. He must really have a lot of deep-rooted insecurities self-hatred going on to treat other people that way.
  6. For those curious about how it closes and it not closing all the way, this is what it looks like when closed "all the way". It doesn't seem so bad to me personally since it closes fully at the end but make of it what you will.
  7. I found it hilarious reading the comments here and on Ars Technica regarding pricing. Most people here think its overpriced to hell but on Ars a lot of people are impressed with the pricing. Really says a lot about the demographics of each site, where LTT is mostly kids that still think $1500 is a crazy amount of money. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/10/microsoft-introduces-surface-book-a-laptop-for-surface-fans/?comments=1&start=0
  8. You...really don't understand what virtualization is do you? Tell me more about the hypervisor they're going to use? Oh wait, they aren't going to use a hypervisor because they aren't virtualizing anything. "Patent application US20150277929, from March 2014, suggests that handsets could be delivered with multiple operating systems available in a compressed form, with a boot loader which offers a choice of which operating system to install. After this process is performed the non-selected operating systems may be deleted."
  9. I'm not saying there is validity to the patent, I'm just making clear some details that were left out of the OP.
  10. This patent was filed exactly 1.5 years ago (March 2014). Also this is different from "dual-boot" as the OSes are stored on the device as "inoperable and compressed" and the user makes a selection to install one and then the others are deleted from the device. Read the actual patent for more info: http://pdfaiw.uspto.gov/.aiw?PageNum=0&docid=20150277929&IDKey=C28BB6D4A558&HomeUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fappft.uspto.gov%2Fnetacgi%2Fnph-Parser%3FSect1%3DPTO2%2526Sect2%3DHITOFF%2526p%3D1%2526u%3D%25252Fnetahtml%25252FPTO%25252Fsearch-bool.html%2526r%3D1%2526f%3DG%2526l%3D50%2526co1%3DAND%2526d%3DPG01%2526s1%3D20150277929.PGNR.%2526OS%3DDN%2F20150277929RS%3DDN%2F20150277929%2526RS%3D
  11. This is the model comment. Every LTT user should strive to contribute such intellect and substance to the forums.
  12. Yes, I can't wait for the next significant update which was supposed to be this month but apparently is being pushed back to November. I've been staying away from the preview builds since my current laptop isn't particularly powerful enough to run VMs.
  13. I, and everybody else I know, learned how to put out/prevent small fires in Elementary school.... The first mistake he made was putting a burning match into a trash bag... There's no reason that mistake should have been made. Second, it should be common knowledge that oxygen fuels fire so "beating" the fire will only make it stronger. He should have simply covered it and the oxygen would've burned up and fire would go out. Point being, with basic education in how fire works this situation was 100% preventable. Maybe Japanese culture is different and they aren't taught what to do in case of fire, I don't know.
  14. Sorry, retoast: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/460299-microsoft-acquires-havok-and-intels-3d-physics-middleware-portfolio/
  15. Acting like I'm speaking in absolute facts? What? I didn't even say anything that is untrue. I specifically stated "I don't doubt he is having the issue". The only "facts" I stated were that people love to piss on competing companies of the ones they favour, which is true. And that people would blow this issue out of proportion, which is also true because pretty much anything to do with Apple gets blown out of proportion, good or bad. Which agenda would it be that I have exactly? I don't even own any Apple products and have no reason to be favourably biased towards them. I'm more of a Microsoft fan than anything. I'm just calling this issue like it is, blown out of proportion. Sounds like you're just butthurt because you feel like I took at shot at your favourite YouTuber. If you want to make an implication that all devices are affected, then yes, you generally need to be able to prove that all devices are affected.
  16. Did he test it on all 15 million or so that were sold in the first couple of days? No? Then he can't say they all have the issue.
  17. People love to try and find any reason to piss all over the parade of a company that's getting attention because fanboys. Whether its Apple, Microsoft, Google, whoever. People just can't stand to see the competing company doing well. I don't doubt this guy is having the issue but I'm 100% sure people will try and blow it out of proportion. This thread itself is a great example, the guy has the problem and he words it in a way to make the implication that every iPhone 6S is having the issue which is clearly not the case.
  18. I don't know man, like, our whole lives could be a lie. Everything is a lie. We're actually living in The Matrix right now.
  19. In related news Coca-Cola says there's no reason to produce Pepsi.
  20. With 32 bits you cannot go more than (maximum possible 4,294,967,296 addresses). Subnetting doesn't create more addresses, it just allows more precision in where the network/host sides cut off. IPv6 is 128 bits and hexadecimal where IPv4 is 32 bits and decimal. It makes perfect sense. It's just deciding where the network/host sides begin. In the real world corporations/ISPs they already use CIDR and "Classes" of IP ranges are basically just for learning purposes. But, remember an IP address is 32 bits. So lay out those 32 bits like below... 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111 A "Class C address" is 24 bits network side and 8 bits host side, visually looks like below, 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111 So you have 8 bits host... So 2 to the power 8 = 256. Remember that number 256 is important because that is how many IP values we can have, having only 8 bits. So it would look like below, Subnet ID: First Usable IP Address: Last Usable IP Address: Broadcast Address: (The last address ends in 255 and not 256 because "0" is a value so 255 is actually the 256th value) Now lets say we only have 7 bits to the host side and 25 to the network side, 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111 So 2 to the power of 7 = 128 so we know we are working with 128 values with 2 subnets (IP Addresses) Subnet ID: First Address: Last Address: Broadcast Address: (.127 is the 128th value and we know we are only working with 128 values) Subnet ID: First Usable Address: Last Usable Address: Broadcast Address: (128th value of the 2nd subnet, 256th value if you counted from the beginning of first subnet) This site may help you in calculating/understanding subnetting http://www.subnet-calculator.com