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Tech Inquisition

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Everything posted by Tech Inquisition

  1. I'd get too frustrated with the lag of a slow monitor...
  2. Cool, looking forward to getting mine
  3. Introducing... the Quadro GP100 > http://www.nvidia.com/object/quadro-graphics-with-pascal.html#utm_source=shorturl&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=quadro-pascal
  4. Technically GP102 is a cut GP100 with alternative memory controllers for G5X and not HBM2, and slimmed down for more gaming performance... 1080Ti and TXp both have different versions of the GP102.
  5. I'm currently on 100/2 Cable from Telstra... it works well. I've got a new build that's got so-called FTTN NBN coming... and this to be shared with 80+ other users? HELL NO... I'll rather find an alternative to NBN... as this political football is a waste of time...
  6. If the enclosure only supports USB 3.0 or 3.1 Gen 1 then you are limited to the USB 3.0 bandwidth of 5GB/s (less than SATA3 6GB/s), but USB 3.1 Gen 2 connections support up to 10GB/s, so you will only get the max of 6GB/s due to the internal SATA3 interface in the enclosure. So if you want to get the best, make sure it's got a USB 3.1 Gen 2 Micro-B or C connector
  7. The card has an onboard HDMI output also, try connecting the monitor straight and then check if the monitor works. Might be the adapters are not working. You plugged in the USB dongle also?
  8. This is possible if the previous owner removed the cooler to watercool and then forgot to re-attach it before selling it off...
  9. Agreed, wait for the FTW2 with the new iCX coolers... Most cards on the shelves now already are fixed (new of course) or wait for the iCX ones and don't fret Same here Wouldn't mind if they had an EK option In not too many words... yes.
  10. Yup, got my backing in for the First Batch of Black Cases... Bring on April
  11. Agreed, I mainly advise against using them unless they specifically need to use something that those drivers are "optimized" for... As soon as I start seeing a more than 15% drop across the board I'm more than willing to consider it truly nerf'd...
  12. Ok, below 15% loss in performance, currently looking around 9%
  13. Many have proven this old wive's tale to be false...
  14. I've actually found the last 6 drivers to be worse in performance to the previous ones on Maxwell, but nothing in terms of 10fps or more worse...
  15. If it looks like this: Then Yes... If it looks like any of the following: Then No...
  16. Finally AMD and Nvidia are level pegged in driver quality... bad quality that is... /s
  17. Install them direct... http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/111032/en-us
  18. Also be sure not to install driver version 375.86, as this is known to have VRAM clocking issues for AIB cards. There is a new 375.95 Beta/Hotfix driver to sort that out.
  19. Haven't seen any mass drop in subs on my start-up... so guess it's all old accounts...
  20. I'd definitely use one of these for my "Realistic Gamers' BenchTable" system...
  21. H110 is a mobo chipset that supports DDR3 with the newer 6th and 7th generation Intel CPU's