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My take on this: Epic games overworks their devs to make fortnite the best game it can be, but then they go ahead and make stupid decisions to ruin all that hard work.


Just as I thought that this company couldn't get any shittier. ?

  1. Silentprototipe
  2. PCGuy_5960


    Major OOF.



    (I really don't get why they keep updating the game every week TBH, at this point most of the updates are pretty much useless and break more than they fix)

  3. mxk


    yeah I think vavle's update cycle with csgo has been much better and epic could follow what valve is doing but they're choosing to keep people away from their lives. 

  4. WereCat


    100-hour weeks?


    Lets see...

    7x24h = 168h


    Some of them have to also have some time off, eat, go on toilet, travel from work to home, etc... that leaves 68h.

    But hey also have to SLEEP! So if they sleep on avg 5h or 6h a day thats either 35h or 42h which leaves them with only 33h or 26h for the rest of thing mentioned above + socializing.


    I would die.
