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Everything posted by Nineshadow

  1. For AMD fanboys yes. Oh wait, actually no, since it's a $200 card and how could we expect it to perform so well at that price point? Oh, we fools. Sorry for the sarcasm. Anyway, it's a good card at a good price. It's not amazing, it's simply good.
  2. Why bother if it's just 2 months old? Anyway, you could probably wait for the 1060 to appear as well. It's not like you're in a hurry.
  3. Exactly. It either follows the spec/standard or it doesn't. And in the case of (some?) RX 480-s, it doesn't.
  4. Yes, that's right. And 8 pin connectors are allowed a maximum of 150W by the PCIe Standard.
  5. Nineshadow

    I literally rendered that video for 11 days str…

    Ahahahahahaha. Ahaha. Aha. Ok, I'll stop being "funny". Sorry. A quick tip : it's better if you render each frame individually into separate images, then combine them in a video. That way, you can stop the animation and resume from that point. And you also don't run into issues like this.
  6. "and with rounded icons and double tap to zoom! Samsung give us $1bn pls."
  7. I think AMD's pretty odd marketing department is at fault here. They pretty much relied on their "fury"-ous fanbase to do their work for them. And when the rumours about insane levels of performance for the RX 480 appeared, they did nothing to dispel them, encouraging the AMD fanboys even more. I wonder if we'll see the same pattern with Zen? Oh well...I was expecting this whole situation. Nevertheless, the 480 is still a beast of a budget card. Good job RTG.
  8. Nineshadow

    I really don't know why people were expecting t…

    I think AMD is also at fault here since they didn't dispel the false rumours. They rather supported them.
  9. I still have no idea how AMD fanboys were expecting a beast of a card out of this one.
  10. Nah. It's probably DNS spoofing. Basically they "hijacked" the DNS cache entry for "linusmediagroup.com" (but not "www.linusmediagroup.com", seriously?) and replaced it with their twitter account.
  11. Yeah, exactly. Did these guys seriously do a (probably) DNS spoofing attack? Lol.
  12. It only sells unlocked iirc.
  13. This is what you're looking for? def findAll(str,sub): str=str.split() v = [i+1 for i, x in enumerate(str) if x==sub] return v
  14. Oh, you want the first occurrence in terms of words? Like, for finding 'word' in 'Hello there world', it would be 3?
  15. Python has a built-in function find(). Taken from the documentation : You can easily use it to find the first occurrence of a substring in a string. To find all occurrences, you must simply tell it to search for the substring after the index of the previous occurrence. Do this in a loop until you can't find the substring anymore (ie find() returns -1).
  16. Uh... def findAll(str,sub): v = [] i = str.find(s) while(i>0): v.append(i) i=str.find(sub,i+1) return v str = input() sub = input() t = findAll(str,sub) for i in t: print(i) ?
  17. Nineshadow

    Well, it's been almost 2 years since I joined a…

    Close to 8000 for me D:
  18. I'm proud of myself. Today I drilled a couple of holes through quite a thick piece of wood using just a screwdriver.. Sore arms is what I got for not having proper tools :_;.
  19. 1 business, 1 private or 1 for data and another for 2G as @Minibois said. It could also prove useful if you spent a lot of time abroad and get a really cheap SIM from wherever you are.
  20. Of course it doesn't work with strings since you're casting the input to an integer.