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If bitcoin doesn't pick back up fast (even if it does pick back up but takes time), there's gonna be a glorious flood of RX 470/480/570/580s and GTX 1060/1070/1080/1080Tis into the used market xD

  1. Ashiella


    Ill hit up the 580 market.

  2. 8uhbbhu8


    @Energycore You mining right now?

  3. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    @8uhbbhu8: starting the GPU shortage just as it starts to get better. Doing a real favor to the PC gaming community. We applaud you, sir.

  4. Energycore


    @8uhbbhu8 yeah I'll mine as long as it's profitable enough, but if we dump below 5500 on bitcoin it won't so yeah xD

  5. 8uhbbhu8


    Nice. What are you mining? Right now i'm on Electroneumn and Turtlecoin. But i've dabbled in ethereum, monero, and sumo in the past. (don't hold any of that right now :P )

  6. DrMacintosh


    But do you really want a GPU thats been maxed at 100% for months? 

  7. Energycore


    @DrMacintosh yeah the wear will not be as bad as you think it is. At least on AMD cards it's really common for miners to run them undervolted on less than 1150Mhz, so electromigration on the chip is a very small concern. Just flash back the stock BIOS (if the seller wasn't kind enough to do it for you) and you're good

  8. 8uhbbhu8


    Depending on whats being mined, potentially only the vram has been used a lot. That stuff from my experience doesn't fail unless there is something seriously wrong with the card.


    Yeah there will be bad cards but generally you'll only see ones that have only been used for a few months so the risk isn't that great.

  9. Energycore


    Though I bet ebay's gonna get filled with listings for "12 RX 580s, never been mined on I swear"

  10. 8uhbbhu8


    xD "Never mined on" my ass lmao. If you want to sell, the time to do it was half a month ago when everything was maxed out on price.

  11. Energycore


    Sure but a month ago the price was soaring and we were expecting a correction that returned to the uptrend lines, it has now broken that and looking more like a real crash.

  12. 8uhbbhu8


    Yeah this is a real crash lol. Generally does this at this time of year but this is worse then normal due to so many factors compounding at the same time. It's going to be a a while (in cryptoterms :P) till it recovers once this stabilizes. Although if the downward trend does flatten out and start up everyone's going to be buying as its super low and accessible then which will drive the price up again into another bubble.

  13. Energycore


    "a while" Inb4 we're back at 10K in 2 weeks xD

  14. 8uhbbhu8


    Damn your not very optimistic! xD 

  15. Mr.Meerkat


    *insert how I'm still making about £1/day with a single RX460 and a fury, after power costs*


    Still unfortunate that instead of making £20~/week, I'm making slightly less than half :/
