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Everything posted by LinusTech

  1. Yeah you can have a refund instead if you aren't satisfied either the bag. No one was meant to be misled. We just needed to have an expiry of some sort on the credit for accounting purposes.
  2. From an accounting standpoint, the situation is very different for a second hand buyer. You're not asking for a refund. You're essentially asking for us to purchase the bag bag from you. It's much more complicated. For that reason, the warranty is transferable, but a refund on the product is not. As support laid out, if it ever naturally fails due to the missing second layer, we would be happy to get you taken care of in accordance with our upgraded warranty policy for this product. Contrary to your post we never said you can't contact support again. We just aren't going to give you a different answer about this specific issue if you aren't able to get in touch with the original purchaser. For them, we could process a refund, because it would be a refund. You'd have to sort out the money with them from there. Hope this helps clear things up.
  3. This is the first I hearing of us coordinating anything about this project with you directly. I'll inquire about how expectations were set. If it helps at all, I can relate to your frustration. Every comment I see about how bad this review is makes me want to put my fist through the screen and shout "what part of any of this made it sound like a review??" The thing is, when 1M people watch something, if even 1% completely miss the point, that will be 10,000 people. No getting away from it. I think most people are pretty clear that we made no attempt to build this properly because it wasn't the point. Maybe there will be an opportunity to do a DIY headphone project where we build the Satyr 1 for real. I was very impressed by many aspects of the design and I think it could be a cool topic. It just wasn't the topic today and I'm sorry if you felt misled
  4. That was never the goal. Your design is great and we had a lot of fun building them. We praised the comfort. But the thing is, we set out to troll Dankpods, not to reach the full potential of what can be accomplished with diy headphones. I don't think any reasonable person watching would imagine the lack of performance is due to your design when we used drivers that cost less than the filament we used printing the parts.
  5. It was on purpose. You weren't the only one to whoosh on this one so I was probably a little cranky in my response becuase of all the responses at that time along the lines of "see this is what I'm talking about. They make so many mistakes lol" Such is life.
  6. No, it only makes us look bad to pedants who can't see the forest of jokes through the trees of minor errors. Riley goes on in that spot to pronounce pretty much everything wrong... It's obviously on purpose. As for Gaussian, I was going based on what I heard in school. Duly noted, but I'll probably forget
  7. Maintenance on the Volt was hardly anything. Whatever I'm eating in oil changes I'm saving in regen braking. Anyone who hates on the Volt has never owned one. Period.
  8. I'll be honest.... The big one is that I want graphics with multiple colours of reflective ink and it changes the application process enough to have a significant impact on cost lol......
  9. We're working on costs right now... It could end up being like $70 with all the stuff I want....
  10. We will take everyone's feedback, and see how things go this black Friday and we will se eif we need to change it up for next Lime Day/BFCM
  11. I think people might be over-thinking this a little. We will have some deals. You like? You buy. Then we will have some other deals. You like? You buy. If the deals you no like? You no buy.
  12. If you're overseas, I think the export documentation makes combining tricky on our side, so they'll probably all arrive separately. I believe that's how it went down on Black Friday. We're always looking to the community for feedback. It's possible we'll try a different strategy next Lime Day or Black Friday, but this time around it's going to be time-delimited deals spaced out like last year. The *main* advantage is it allows us to discount more deeply on the promo products in hopes that people will put some profitable items in their cart. If we throw up all the deals at once, we have no chance.
  13. LinusTech

    @LinusTech How do you find time to game? I spen…

    It's tough, but I also spend more of my time looking into a lens than a screen.
  14. I use HD600s. They are similar, but not quite the same headphones
  15. Will keep an eye on it and make sure to reinforce to the kiddie-boos that they don't spend real money on free games.
  16. LinusTech

    @LinusTech You asked for a network person expla…

    Oh interesting. I'll have to try this next time I'm desperate haha
  17. LinusTech

    Despite @LinusTech opinion, yes I do tune in to…

    No. Everyone wants to watch us agree.
  18. I don't consider our community to be comprised of 'insignificant nobodies'. I enjoy interacting with people here on the forum and elsewhere. Any executive who is too far-removed from the day-to-day to interact with the individuals who support their business should be fired on the spot. With that said, I think it's clear that those executives shouldn't be obligated to take business advice from every individual who offers an opinion.
  19. You are under-estimating the complexity of our business. How many SKUs do you think we have? (hint: it's well over a thousand) That times however many regional warehouses will need to be taken care of on at the least a bi-weekly basis. If we over-do it we could easily create a lot of overhead and cost for us. Also, FBA is NOT cheap, especially if you leave slow-moving stock in their warehouses and you have to pay for storage. The plain and simple truth is it's not just a simple thing and we have a lot on our plate right now.
  20. This is so true. Kris Jenner (love or hate Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you gotta respect the hustle) gave a talk at an event I attended and basically said "yeah we started this in my 50s. It's never too late. She... kinda crushed it, so who knows where the limits are?
  21. Yes please contact support and we'll get you sorted asap.
  22. No, it has nothing to do with that. We have exemplary customer warranty handling policies and always have. It has to do with it being a huge pain in the ass from a logistics/tax/management standpoint to have a location and a bunch of inventory overseas.