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Everything posted by ToniBamboni

  1. Hi, I'm bad at this game (lol) I have about 70 hours and I still haven't gotten the hang of it. In fact, I'm banned for a week from comp because I always get kicked for going negative. Also, my mouse pad keeps moving and it makes me lose a lot of gun fights, how can I fix this?
  2. Sennheiser HD598 BLUE Fetty Pro Extended Mouse Mat
  3. Do you have the latest AMD Crimson Drivers?
  4. I just watched the latest WAN show, can anyone explain what Intel is doing?
  5. Just looking for seomthing with a nice big Hi-Res screen, long battery life, and clean looks that i'm going to use for content consumption and some other stuff.
  6. With just CCleaner open, my s6 edge is using 2.21/2.62 Gb of wam. Wtf
  7. What problem are you having?
  8. You can buy a dedicated sound card but that may interfere with the your motherboard integrated sound card,
  9. Everybody needs an SSD, they're so important