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Was thinking of having my eyes corrected by LASIK surgery, but upon looking at the cost, I realized that my prescription glasses is just $80. 

  1. DrMacintosh


    My glasses were like $200 after transition lenses and a blue light filter. Insurance made them only $20 though. 

  2. captain_to_fire


    That's still cheaper than lasik surgery

  3. Jtalk4456


    i plan to eventually get it done later in life to see some improvement, but i have too many problems to be fully 20/20

    Also it's not that expensive compared to a life time of glasses. With insurance, I pay about 200 for glasses a year, but mine are pretty bad, so most people pay about 100 per year or less. If your vision is not too bad and lasik can fully correct it, then the $~1000 per eye average means you can break even in 20 yrs. Not saying the ROI is great, but that's only looking at the cost, not the convenience gained. IF I could afford it, I definitely would.

  4. Origami Cactus

    Origami Cactus

    @Jtalk4456 I aheve looked into LASIC, but the risk right now is still too great. You can get worse defects, than just wearing glasses, so im staying with glasses, maybe contacts, for about the next 10 years. Then i will look into it again.
