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After wanting one for years, I finally pulled the trigger and bought a 3D printer. I bought a Creality Ender 3 Pro from Micro Center because they're currently doing a sale for $219.99 instead of the usual $280-$300. Currently it's printing a 3D Benchy, hopefully I calibrated it right and it goes well.



  1. Tech_Dreamer


    nice! what are you planning to do as a first project?


    also tagging @James Evens

  2. Tristerin


    Its drones for me right now (should arrive today) after that I really need to dabble in 3d printing

  3. TheSLSAMG


    @Tech_Dreamer I'd like to do some light mods to the printer and then work on some Nintendo Switch parts, custom Lego pieces and maybe some PC accessories too. Before I can do that though I have to get the dimensional accuracy right. The Y-axis and Z-axis are correct but the X-axis is on the small side right now.

  4. TheSLSAMG


    Okay nice, I just got the printer within 0.1mm accuracy on all three axes and I'm going to try a mod for the printer. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2987100

  5. Tech_Dreamer




    lego probably has some copyright issues since they're private company. do check up on it doe. not that it matters now a days.
