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Everything posted by AshleyAshes

  1. But see, just as easily as you googled up the first dictionary definition for 'piracy' you could google up the laws about where you live and how they specific 'piracy' and 'copyright infringement' and such. Almost all places in the world have their entire legal codes published on public, government run websites, that one can easily refer to. (Granted that doesn't help you much IN CASE LAW, but the base codes you can access easily)
  2. I'm pretty sure that at the START of this thread, I pointed out that using a generic DICTIONARY definition for a matter of LAW was stupid and one should just their respective LEGAL definition but some, mainly the op, are still trying to do the DICTIONARY argument. Why?
  3. ...Because we live in a society where people perform labour or produce goods that is exchanged for currency which is then used to buy other labour and goods...
  4. I explained this already too, it's a cost consideration, pure and simple. If you drop a $20 bill into the sewer, how much money will you pay to get someone to open up that sewer and retrieve what is rightfully yours before you instead decide to just eat the loss of $20?
  5. I suddenly and seriously suspect that you're a high school student and you're getting us to do your homework for you...
  6. Didn't we go over this? The difference between criminal and civil law? The vast, vast, VAST majority of piracy cases fall under civil law. There are only a few exceptions like people operating piracy hubs and the like. Such as MegaUpload or major torrent trackers and stuff. There's also the cases of BOOTLEGGING, as in where people SELL pirated goods as if they were LEGIT goods, that's a DIFFERENT but related area of law and etches into 'fraud' territory. You basically can't go to jail just because you torrented something in nearly every western country. ...On the other hand, if you run an entire tracker website... You might wanna have a lawyer on retainer from the get go.
  7. It's a question of financial resources. 1) What is the PR cost of suing individual pirates? 2) What is the direct financial cost of funding lawsuits against pirates? 3) How many of the pirates are lost sales? Would 100% of the pirates have bought the product if piracy was impossible or did a number only acquire it BECAUSE it was free and would not have had they had to pay? 4) In the end is there a net gain to have over the actual financial cost of whatever number of units were actually lost sales? 5) Are there BETTER ways to spend this money? Is there something we could do to attract paying users and fund that rather than lawsuits? (Why do you think so many games have online functions now? It's a LOT harder to pirate an online game than a single player game) Are there bigger fish we could sue and focus our resources on? If we sue and shut down the bigger fish does this drive us more unit sales? See? The situation is a LOT more nuanced than 'Piracy bad, get the bad guys or don't get the bad guys?'.
  8. Good example, I'd not followed up on the aftermath of that. For sure it's a PR mess and we've not seen things like that since. But it is a risk one takes and MOST people can't afford a legal defence even if they could effectively and aggressively settle for much less than the original demands or even press something to trial and try to get it dismissed. Frankly, a lot of people can't even afford the several thousand a settlement would cost OR the several thousand an effective legal defence would cost. You def could face some serious financial pain for piracy but the vast majority dismiss it since 'everybody does it' and only a very small minority suffer the consequences.
  9. First, remember, the government doesn't help in a civil case. There is no prosecution by the government and there is no legal aid. It's two individuals even if in this case one individual is likely a corporation. First, you need evidence. Now you do see some of this in some regions, particularly where torrent cloud's are watched for all IPs and the copyright holders sent nastygrams via ISPs and such or in some cases even DO engage in law suits. So in a lot of cases even PROVING WHO pirated what is a HUGE burden. If all the records are kept in a centralised place and there's no way to legally access that data then you have no access to any evidence. Second, all of this requires LAWYERS and those guys cost MONEY. Effectively it consumes a corporation's financial resources to sue someone. So how much is it worth to go out and sue 10 000 random shmucks in 10 000 random civil cases, even if you can build a solid case? That's a WHOOOOOOLE lot of billable hours for lawyers. That is a HUGELY expensive endeavour. So why do you sue? The big fish. You go after the HOSTS of pirated content and while you see stories like that, it's a complicated process and far from an 'easy slam dunk'. So yeah, individuals are usually not sued because it is hard to prove and resource intensive even if you think you can prove it. Not to mention the individual payoff is limited,
  10. Let's go back to what I said here: See where I said CIVIL LAW? Things that fall under civil law are not crimes, that is CRIMINAL law. In most all places (It's hard to say this UNIVERSALLY because laws do vary by region) you can't be arrested for violations of CIVIL law, you can only be SUED. Let me put it this say: I beak into your shed and I steal your lawn mower. You can call the police and I go to jail or get fined for theft. Because that is a CRIME. On the OTHER hand what if you LOAN me your lawn mower for ONE day and I DON'T return it and I lock it up in my garage? You can't call the police because you and I made an AGREEMENT a CONTRACT and now both sides are disputing that contract. You have to SUE me for it. This is a civil matter not a criminal matter. It is on YOU, the original owner to dispute my failure to return the lawn mower. You would hope that the court finds in your favour and orders the lawn mower returned. Now, ignoring a court order IS a crime and I could potentially be arrested for refusing to obey once the court order has been issued. Oh and you can't steal the lawn mower back from me, then you are breaking and entering.
  11. Using random dictionary definitions for 'piracy' is really not going to help you in a technical argument here. Specifically, theft and piracy are matters of LAW, tough piracy is under CIVIL law rather than CRIMINAL law in most western nations. Despite that, if you want to engage in a 'technical argument' about the definitions, you need to use the LEGAL definitions that have been codified in a specific region. You'll find the 'Yeah but WEBSTERS defines 'piracy' as,...' defence NOT very effective if you're getting sued for piracy.
  12. Problem: I DECLARE THAT BLANKITY BLANK IS THE BEST EVER WHERE AS OTHER BLANKITY BLANK IS OBJECTIVELY THE WORST EVER! Solution 1) Engage in an endless cyclical argument about pointless garbage where nobody's onion is changed. Solution 2) Go get lunch, wouldn't a sandwich be tasty?
  13. Also, since Pringles are made from a paste and put into 'chip shape' using a machine die process, they're more expensive to manufacture than sliced potatoes. Of course all of that is why Pringles COST more.
  14. http://mentalfloss.com/article/51993/why-are-potato-chip-bags-always-half-empty This is done to protect the actual chips from significant damage. a bag of chips can't be packed like a bag of rice. Believe me, if you could sell a smaller chip bag with the same volume, it'd save significantly on shipping. Chips are light but with so much space being air (Nitrogen actually) they take up a LOT of space, relatively, to ship and that increases costs.
  15. Video codecs by their very definition should all decode the same result universally. One decoder should not decode 'better' than the other, be it software or hardware. However this does not discount the possibility of POST PROCESSING that can be done AFTER decoding that one could subjectively view as 'better quality' but that's the post processing, not the decoding.
  16. It's no different than putting the installer onto a USB key. Do the exact same process with the media creation tool but use the SD card instead of a USB key,
  17. I secretly wish that I could one day go to E3 as media and whenever I interviewed an FPS dev about their game, I said 'Doom Clone' instead of 'First Person Shooter'.

  19. It's a European multinational. It's owership is 11.10% french and 11.09% German. You have to be painfully nitpicky to tie Airbus to have a specific nationality at all. And, again, it's very birth is from the merger of manufacturers from many European nations. Germany is home to the final assembly of several Airbus aircraft. Germany, does very much so, produce aircraft.
  20. The thing is, without using the IGP, you will need a discrete GPU, and unless you get something super old and low wattage, any discrete GPU, even at the bottom rung, will consume more power. I have a server with an i5 2300, but it's a P67 mobo so it has no IGP support, this means I -need- a discrete GPU to get any video out of it for servicing. The Radeon HD 5450 I have, even if it's all passive, has a 19w TDP. I'd save power if I could just use the CPU's IGP but it's not an option without swapping the whole mobo.
  21. Airbus has manufacturing facilities in Germany. Even Airbus itself is born from the merger of French, English and German aircraft manufacturers.
  22. How about not wasting parts of your life arguing about such asinine things with strangers on the internet? ^___^ Arguments such as this rarely result in one side 'winning' and it only consumes time, time that you could instead invest in doing something of actual value that you'd better appreciate.
  23. No, I'm a VFX artist, but when RENDERING, then I open up chrome and give roasty life lessons all while getting paid.
  24. Well, this might be a crazy and radical plan, to radical for most on this forum even but; Have you considered blowing the dust out with a gas duster or compressed air? Crazy I know but I've been reading some science on this and it might actually be possible.